November 4, 2009

Diet to Cure and Prevent Wrinkles

Posted in Category : Beauty

As we age the appearance of fine lines and creases, particularly on the face, is inevitable. These fine lines or wrinkles mostly appear on areas of the body that are exposed to the sun for long. This would include the face, neck, hands etc. Wrinkles are formed due to the fact that the skin tends to lose its elasticity and moisture as we age. Other factors that can also contribute to a loss of skin elasticity are smoking, dietary habits, alcohol, pollution, drug use, stress and a loss of vitamin E. Wrinkles tend to make the skin look thin, drawn and stretched. A person’s diet can play a crucial role in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and thus can’t be undermined. This is because a well balanced diet, which is rich in nutrients, is beneficial for the overall health of the skin as well as for the body. Skin that is healthy will obviously be in a better position to reduce the signs of aging.

Eat more vegetables. Antioxidants are present in vegetables that help in combating a large number of health problems. These anti oxidants enter the blood stream and help in cleansing your cells of any toxins. When this happens the skin looks well cared for, moisturized and healthy. Antioxidants are in fact the most significant factors when it comes to the reduction of wrinkles. Asparagus, spinach, celery, eggplant, garlic, onions and leeks are some of the vegetables that are good for you. Some of the foods that you can incorporate as a part of your diet are fish, eggs, legumes and nuts, whole grain cereal, olives and olive oil and food that has zinc such as lean meat, seafood and milk.

Fruits (fruit products included) are also helpful in reducing wrinkles appearance since they contain anti oxidants as well. Monounsaturated fats that are found in canola oil, olive oil, hazelnuts, almonds etc, are good for the skin. These fats are thought to provide protection against wrinkling, as they assist the skin in resisting the activity of damage causing free radicals. Milk has also been found to contain compounds that promote the repair and regeneration of skin cells. But try and stick to low fat milk products. Try and avoid fizzy drinks, butter, margarine, caffeine and cakes. Increase your intake of water as it will keep your skin hydrated at all times, providing it with all the moisture that it needs.