November 19, 2008

Curing Endometriosis using Herbal Remedies

Posted in Category : Natural Cures

Endometriosis is a disorder that affects women. It is caused when tissue that normally lines the inner walls of the uterus, also known as endometrial tissue, implants and grows outside the uterus. It can lead to pain and irregular bleeding during menstruation and may also cause infertility. The endometrial tissue may implant itself on the ovaries, bowel, rectum, bladder and other regions as well.

What causes endometriosis remains a mystery but some medical professionals speculate that endometrial tissue that is shed during menstruation travels backwards through the fallopian tubes to the pelvic region in a process termed as retrograde menstruation. Other researchers think that it has something to do with the immune system. What has been noticed though, is that endometriosis tends to run in families. Other factors that increase the likelihood of developing endometriosis include getting your periods at an early age, not having had children, having periods that are frequent and last for a week or more and a closed hymen that blocks the flow of blood.

If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis then you will need to follow the advice of your doctor. You can also try certain herbal treatments along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor but it is better to discuss these alternate options with your doctor before attempting to use them. These herbal home remedies may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of endometriosis such as abdominal cramps, excessive bleeding and pain.

The first step which you need to take is to avoid the intake of animal fat. Researchers have found increasing evidence to show that chemicals such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls that are often found in these foods can increase the risk of developing endometriosis. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables instead will lower the risk.

Certain plant compounds known as flavones are known to inhibit the action of enzymes that convert androgens to estrogens. Celery and broccoli are two examples of such plants. Plants such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts and flaxseeds are also extremely beneficial for improving estrogen metabolism and help to prevent estrogen related disorders such as endometriosis.

Progesterone creams may help relieve menstrual and pelvic pain but there is a question mark regarding its safety and efficacy. The cream should only be applied under the supervision of a professional since too much progesterone may cause weight gain, water retention, abnormal menstrual cycles and depression.

Supplements of omega-3 fatty acids may also help in relieving pain and may also help to slow down the growth of endometrial tissue. The supplements are preferable to consuming fish because of the potential for harm posed by pollutants such as dioxins.

Drinking ginger tea may help relieve symptoms of nausea that some women with endometriosis experience.

Astragalus is an herb that is reputed to be very beneficial for women with endometriosis. It is reputed to be a powerful immune booster and helps the functioning of the adrenal glands and the digestive system. The root of the plant is the part that has the maximum medicinal compounds and it can be used to make a tea or soup. The liquid extract of this herb is also available and can be diluted with water and drunk. Do not exceed the recommended dosage as printed on the label.

Another herb dong quai, which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, is reputed to be very effective in relieving pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis. Once again, it is necessary to abide by the recommended dosage as printed on the label.
