How Can Yoga Help Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition which is caused due to increased glucose levels in the blood. Along with a healthy diet, yoga exercises can keep the glucose levels and diabetic symptoms under control. The various yoga exercises and breathing techniques help in releasing strain and stress. The benefits of yoga include increased concentration and focus in an individual. This firms our will power so that we are able to stay on a nutritious diet and weight maintaining program.

Yoga exercises reduce dependency on oral medication and avert that type of diabetes which is caused due to hereditary factors. They are very useful in releasing insulin from the pancreas gland and thus managing glucose levels. Pranayam yoga expels toxins from the body and activates pancreas glands. People suffering from heart problems and high blood pressure should practice this under a yoga teacher. Yoga Mudra exerts pressure in the pancreas and Paschimottasan and Pada Hasta Asan stimulate the pancreas and activate it. Ushtrasan creates flexibility in the abdomen, Trikonasan helps in reducing fat from the sides of the abdomen and Pawan Mukta Asan releases gas form the body. Other yoga exercises such as Ardha Matsayendra, Uttan Padasan, Ashtanga yoga and Dhanur Asan activate the pancreas and helps in reducing weight. Bhujang Asan is very good for the spine while the Corpse pose is performed at the end of all the exercises. This pose is useful for any kind of complaint as it removes stress and anxiety from our minds.

Yoga poses tone our body, make us more active and agile and align our body so that we are more in control of our movements. Yoga is very helpful in regulating high blood pressure and checks the cholesterol levels. It makes blood vessels flexible, improves blood circulation and sustains glucose levels in the blood. For increased muscle strength, rigorous exercises can be performed especially in the advanced stages of diabetes. The poses gently pull, press and stretch different body parts which improve the digestive system and affects other glands positively. With the help of yoga postures we are able to draw strength from our inner sources and discover peace and quiet within ourselves. Yoga fitness enhances our lifestyle and creates a life full of health, fitness and liveliness.

Diabetes is a medical condition that is referred to as a metabolism disorder. Whatever we eat is broken into glucose by our metabolism. Glucose is a refined form of sugar that gives energy to our body. For glucose to be absorbed by our body cells, the presence of a hormone, known as insulin, is necessary. This insulin is secreted automatically by a gland in your body known as the pancreas. Whenever we eat something, the pancreas automatically starts producing an adequate quantity of insulin so that the sugar can be absorbed by the cells. In this way, sugar is monitored in the blood stream. When the pancreas do not produce adequate insulin in the body, the sugar levels in the blood stream start increasing. This condition is known as diabetes. Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes mellitus. Mainly, diabetes is of the following three types.

Type 1 Diabetes: In the type 1 diabetes, the pancreas in the body secrete very little or no insulin. In this condition, one has to take insulin externally in order to live. The exact cause for type 1 diabetes is not yet known. It could be due to genetic reasons or some virus attack in some cases. Symptoms of this type of diabetes usually appear during a short period of time. The symptoms are constant urge for urination with increased thirst, sudden loss of weight, tiredness, problem in vision, and constant hunger. Type 1 diabetic person needs to be very careful in taking diet and doses of insulin in time otherwise it could be fatal in some cases. The dosage of insulin as well as diet control is very important. If you happen to take a bigger dose than required, it may result in considerable lowering of the sugar levels in the blood stream. This condition is known as hypoglycemia, which is also very dangerous. In this condition, you will experience giddiness, blurred vision, and nausea. In such a condition, you should immediately eat or drink something, which is rich in sugar content.

Type 2 Diabetes: This is the most common type of diabetes. As much as 90% to 95% diabetics suffer from type 2 diabetes. The main causes for this type of diabetes include obesity, less physical activity, old age, bad eating habits, and family history. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes appear over a longer period of time. Unlike type 1 diabetes, symptoms do not develop all of a sudden. Symptoms of this type of diabetes are also similar to type 1 diabetes; these include frequent urge for urination, thirst and hunger, fatigue, and an abnormal time taken for healing of minor cuts and wounds. The loss of weight in type 2 diabetes is gradual. In some cases, symptoms are not felt by the person affected. If you are above 30, you must get your sugar levels checked at regular intervals, especially if you have a family history of diabetes. This is necessary because the development of symptoms is very slow, and you may come to know only after the sugar levels in your blood stream have increased considerably.

Gestational Diabetes: This type of diabetes occurs only in pregnant women. If a woman has suffered from gestational diabetes, there are 25 % to 50 % chances that she may develop type 2 diabetes at a later stage.

Proper diagnosis in time is very important in order to get proper treatment for any type of diabetes. If you have a family history of diabetes, you might be wondering how to control diabetes? You can always prevent the increase in your blood sugar levels by maintaining a healthy life style, which includes diet control, regular exercises, such as brisk walking, cycling, yoga for diabetes control, and engaging in other regular physical activities. These days yoga for diabetes treatment has become very popular. In yoga, there are certain postures that help in proper secretion of insulin in the body. These postures are referred to as yoga asanas for diabetes prevention as well as treatment. In fact, yoga and diabetes have often been discussed together as the former is said to help in the treatment of the latter. Moreover, since obesity is considered to be one of the major causes for diabetes type 2, if you are overweight, consulting a yoga instructor regarding yoga for diabetes and obesity is a good idea.

Yoga for diabetes type 1 is no different from yoga for diabetes type 2. The asanas or postures that most yoga instructors would suggest are as follows: Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Kapalbhati Pranayama (Cleansing Breath), Bhastrika Pranayama (Deep Breathing), Matsyasana (Fish Pose), Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Kunjal Kriya Asana (Cleansing of Stomach and Lungs), Uttanpadasana (Raised Feet Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose), and Shalabhasana (Locust Pose). Your yoga instructor will suggest that you do the poses according to your particular needs. Yoga for diabetes patients does not mean that all the asanas are suitable for everyone. While yoga and diabetes 1 are the terms that may sound absurd to someone, as type 1 diabetes is absolutely dependent on the external intake of insulin, yoga and diabetes 2 are the terms that make better sense, as type 2 diabetes can be cured by regularly performing yoga exercises. Yoga for diabetes cure has gained popularity at a very rapid rate during the recent years as a natural cure for diabetes.

During the past few years, Bikram yoga for diabetes has also become very popular. It may be any type of yoga, but it is a well-established fact that yoga has the ability to aid and complement, maybe even, cure diabetes. In addition to performing certain exercises, yoga emphasizes on a diet for diabetes as well as meditation for diabetes control. Similar to yoga for diabetes is Pilates for diabetes. This is because both yoga and Pilates emphasize maintaining a healthy lifestyle by toning and stretching the body. However, yoga is considered to be more effective owing the aspects of breathing and meditation that are not part of a Pilates routine.

While opting for yoga for diabetes or Pilates for diabetes, you must ensure that you strictly follow the instructions of your yoga teacher or Pilates instructor. Remember that performing any yoga or Pilates posture in the wrong manner can have an adverse effect on your body.