June 12, 2009

Symptoms And Tips For Treating Liver Inflammation & Pain

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

The liver has some of the most important functions within the body. Located just below the rib cage and towards the upper right side of the abdomen, some of its primary functions include manufacturing proteins, synthesis, storage and processing of fats and fatty acids like cholesterol, detoxification of fluids like alcohol or drugs and elimination of any harmful biochemical products that are produced within the body.

As a result of its huge importance to the normal and efficient working of the human body, its is essential to take care of ones liver and any hints of pain or uneasiness might need to be looked at closely to identify if the condition could be serious. While a number of people will dismiss any notion of pain being exuded from the liver because of the general belief that organs don’t hurt, the pain is very real and can sometimes feel like the liver is too large to be held within the rib cage.

Even though the liver is designed to deal with detoxification and help rid the body of harmful chemicals, it may not be completely equipped to handle the pollutants and toxic substances. Although there are a number of reasons a person might feel liver pain, it would usually be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Liver dysfunction plays an important role in conditions like Hepatitis A, B or C, Wilson’s disease and Gilbert’s syndrome.


Symptoms include the pain accompanied by a skin rash, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, itching, pain while inhaling or coughing, right shoulder pain, swollen testes, bad breath, offensive body odor, an itch on the skin, brownish blemishes and spots over the skin, dark circles under the eyes, a noticeable yellow discoloration of the eyes, excessive sweating and red soles and palms which may also be itchy and inflamed. Very rarely will most of these symptoms be seen in a single patient, but even a few symptoms seen could help steer the diagnosis in the right direction.

For a completely accurate diagnosis, it is suggested you seek the advice of a medical professional as blood and urine tests will b able to identify what underlying condition the liver pain may be linked to.

One of the most important steps to take when looking after the liver is to reduce alcohol consumption considerably, instead of consuming buffalo milk, try cow or goat milk. In case of liver problems, a juiced mixture of carrot and spinach will prove particularly beneficial.

The liver mainly is among the most important organs in the body and is prone to damage owing to a lot of different health conditions. Liver is an important part of the digestive system and has the responsibility if digesting a lot of food groups, especially fats. The liver produces several vital enzymes and hormones and is also responsible for glycogen storage. The liver also detoxifies the blood and aids the kidneys in keeping the blood clean. The liver refers to the organ located in the right hand side of one’s abdominal cavity. This reddish brown colored organ lies right below one’s diaphragm. The liver’s health is vital to an overall healthy metabolism. A person is not able to survive for long if the liver fails. This is the largest glandular organ and weighs about 1.5 kg. Since liver is such a vital part of the existence and good health, liver pain symptoms should not be ignored. Inflammation of the liver can initially cause pain in the liver, but eventually it leads to liver failure and the person may die. Liver pains are something that should be dealt with immediately, as soon as they are felt.

What does liver pain feel like? Often, we are not able to identify the pain that we feel in our abdomen. There are times when liver pain can be confused with the pain emanating from some other organ in the abdomen. Human liver pain is often experienced along with back pain and abdominal pain, concentrated on the side. There is no definite answer to the question ‘where do you feel liver pain’ as the exact area where pain is experienced is dependent on the cause and may differ from one person to another. The pain is usually experienced in the upper right side of the abdominal area, right below the rib cage. Do not ignore the liver inflammation symptoms and the pain you feel in your liver because that could cost you very dearly. If you ignore the signs and symptoms of liver inflammation and pain, it can cause a lot of complications. The pain in the liver should be identified and treated as soon as you start to experience it. Here is how to identify liver pain:

  • The liver pain can be felt as a slight under the rib cage. However, in some people, the pain can be very sharp. In some cases, the pain would also occur with an ache in the shoulder or the back as well.
  • Some people may experience a skin rash and brown colored itchy spots all over their skin. These rashes and brown spots are also known as liver spots.
  • A yellow discoloration, also known as jaundice, may spread to your skin and the eyes. Your skin and eyes will have a sickly yellow pallor and you may feel extremely weak.
  • There is swelling of the person’s eyes and you may also experience some itching in the area. In many cases, dark circles begin to develop right under the person’s eyes.
  • You may feel excessive sweating along with a body odor that may be slightly offensive. If your liver has already begun to shut down, you may also experience some bad breath. Red palms and soles that are inflamed and feel extremely itchy are also a sign of liver damage.

The causes of liver pain and its symptoms are interrelated. If you have received an injury to your liver, you will not only experience pain, but also jaundice. Systematic illnesses and cirrhosis may cause coughing, pain while breathing, fatigue and swollen testes. Different people experience different symptoms related to the liver. The symptoms of liver are also associated with the extent of damage received by the liver. Usually, the inflammation of one’s liver and pancreas can be felt by the doctor during a physical examination. Inflammation of the liver due to alcohol is usually most common. Most alcohol bottles carry the warning that consumption of it is injurious to the liver.

Inflammation of the liver causes pain and may also cause the disruption of the usual functions of the liver. Although inflammation of the liver symptoms can be self diagnosed, it is best to seek medical opinion in this regard. If there is something that is causing the failure and shutdown of the liver, it can cause injury to the kidneys as well. It is important to get the condition treated as soon as possible to avoid any kind of complications. Liver pain symptoms due to alcohol can be any of the ones mentioned above. A doctor would most likely take a full medical history to discover the cause of your liver problems. Infection or injuries are often the likely cause of liver damage, but tumors and cancers are as likely and therefore, there is a lot of testing required before a clear diagnosis can be made.

If you experience liver pains after drinking, or liver pains after eating, you may be suffering from a hepatitis infection that attacks the liver directly. Blood tests would be required to ascertain the condition. Liver pains during pregnancy could result from the pressure exerted by the uterus on the organs around it. Therefore during this time a visit to the doctor would help to put your fears to rest. Liver pains from alcohol or liver pains from drinking excessively are usually indicative of advanced cirrhosis. In such a condition, the doctors may have to either remove a part of the liver or may have to get you a liver transplant. Although a liver transplant could be one of the best inflammation of the liver treatments, it is possible that the body rejects the new graft and the new liver from a donor is not successfully transplanted. To successfully make a transplant, the liver type and the blood type of the donor and the receiver should fully match.

There are several other treatments that can be used for treating liver damage. Many of these treatments are given as in-patient treatments. There are some treatments that can be taken at home. There are also several home remedies that could be used to treat the pain temporarily. However, for a liver problem, a more permanent solution is recommended and therefore consultation with your doctor is of prime importance.