May 13, 2009

Elbow and Wrist Pain Remedies

Posted in Category : Bone, Joint & Muscles Disorders

Elbow pain is usually a symptom of tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis in which the tendons attached to the elbow joint get inflamed. This usually occurs due to an injury of the tendons, otherwise known as tendonitis, or else because of a degeneration of the tissues of the tendon. Elbow pain is not just restricted to a pain in that region but it can stretch out through the arm, creating difficulties in stretching and flexing the fingers in order to grasp or hold objects. The best way to provide immediate relief to a tennis elbow is by applying a cold compress or an ice pack on the elbow for 15 to 20 minutes. This is beneficial as it reduces the inflammation and thus the pain. Alternating the cold compress with a heat pack is also beneficial for soothing the elbow pain. Apart from this, all repetitive activities which cause stress to the muscles of the elbow should be avoided and the tendons should be allowed to heal naturally.

Wrist pain is usually associated with carpel tunnel syndrome. Excessive stress to the fine tendons in the wrist, by working long hours at the computer, tapping away at the keyboard or clicking on the mouse, writing for prolonged periods, hammering or doing any other activity that stresses the hand and wrist can lead to the carpel tunnel syndrome. Wrist pain can almost be a handicap since it prevents even the most normal activities. The best way to alleviate the pain is by immediately suspending all activities that stress the muscles in the wrist. A series of simple stretching exercises like opening and closing the fingers several times and slowly rotating the wrist in a clockwise and anti-clockwise motion 5 to 10 times can help to ease the tension from the muscles and relieve the pain. For persistent pain, application of hot and cold compresses alternately is beneficial for relieving the pain and inflammation of the tendons. It is also a good idea to wear a wrist splint while sleeping. This prevents the wrist from being bent in an awkward position. In addition to this, adequate precautions must be taken to make objects of daily use more ergonomic and wrist friendly. Simple things like wrapping a sheet of foam on the handles of brooms and other tools can make it easier to get a grip without stressing the tendons in the wrist.

Finally dietary deficiencies can also lead to pain in the wrist and elbow. A diet deficient in Vitamin B adds to the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, so an increase in the consumption of the B group vitamins is recommended to treat this problem. Increasing the intake of Omega 3 fatty acids is generally recommended for all kinds of inflammatory pain including arthritis, elbow pain and wrist pain. Celery is also beneficial for treating such pain.