May 22, 2008

Risk Factors for Arthritis – Preventive Measures to Avoid Symptoms

Posted in Category : Bone, Joint & Muscles Disorders

Arthritis has become a very common disease these days. It is quite troublesome as there is no sure care available for it and it causes some serious effects as pain in the joints, inflammation, destruction of the tissues in the joints etc. therefore it is always better to know about risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures and try to use them to prevent it. Some of the risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures are given below.

The first and most common thing related with the risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures is nutrition. If the joints do not get the essential nutrients then there is a chance that they may face arthritis. The essential nutrients for joints include calcium, phosphorous, selenium, vitamin D, bone protein, etc. the daily diet should be rich in these nutrients.

In some cases as in the old age, the joints loose these essential nutrients and therefore just good diet is not sufficient for the preventing arthritis. Therefore, during such time additional supplements as are recommended in order to maintain the health of joints.

Then the second important thing involved in risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures is infection near the joint. Any infection near the joint as on the skin above it, or the nearby tissues as muscles etc can spread and affect it as well. However, the infection in any part of the body can reach the joints through the blood and therefore cause arthritis. Therefore, any infection should be treated as early as possible.

In addition, one more thing involved in the risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures is physical damage to the joints. The joints are a junction of bones, muscles, nerves etc. Therefore, any damage to them can have severe effects. Arthritis is one such effect, which can occur due to such physical damage.

As mentioned earlier the health of the joints is a very important thing associated with the risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures. Therefore, everybody should always keep all the joints in good condition. Exercises along with good nutrition will play available very crucial role in this.

Some substances and habits have been found to be associated with the risk factors for arthritis & preventive measures. A few of them are drinking, smoking, drugs, or the consumption of toxic substances, which generally occurs these days because of the different kinds of pollutions, etc. Therefore, they should be prevented for staying away from arthritis.