September 18, 2012

Complications While Breast Feeding after Breast Augmentation

Posted in Category : Women's Health

Breast augmentation is a procedure in which the breasts an artificially enhanced with silicone or saline implants. This procedure is also commonly referred to as a breast implant surgery. This surgery is quite common as several women across the country have gone through it. However, at times, women hesitate to get implants, because they are worried about the complications that could arise during breast feeding.

While many women have managed to nurse their babies quite easily after a breast augmentation surgery, there are several who have experienced difficulty in breast feeding, because of their implants.

According to studies conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) a breast surgery of any kind, even a breast augmentation surgery, can increase the risks of lactation insufficiency (inadequate milk supply), by up to 3 times. Again, it is not necessary that you will experience problems while nursing, just because you’ve undergone a breast enhancement surgery.

After a surgery, your breast may become more or less sensitive to the baby’s sucking motion, because of the implants. At times, the implants also push the nearby tissues of the mammary glands, which can reduce the amount of milk produced or stored by the breast. There are a few other complications that could occur while breast feeding, because of implants. Some of the common problems include:

  • Blockage in the flow of breast milk
  • Damage of nerves in the breast and mammary glands
  • Mastitis, fever and chills
  • Scarring of certain areas within the breast tissue
  • Swelling and increased pain in the breasts

Not all breast augmentation surgeries result in breastfeeding problems; it all depends upon the incision site. A Periareolar incision is a surgical slit that is made around the areola or the edge of the nipples. An incision of this kind is quite risky, as it could damage your nerves and vessels, thereby affecting the production and flow of milk. However, if the surgical incision is made in the crease of the breast or in the armpit, it should not interfere with the gland or the ducts. Breast augmentation using such an incision should not cause any problems while breast feeding.

When you consult your doctor about breast enhancement procedures you may be warned about the potential problems that could arise. Your doctor may also ask you to consider delaying the surgery, until after you are done breastfeeding. While discussing the surgery with your doctor, asking about the type of incision that will be used may also help. Also ensure that your surgery is performed by a licensed and well-experienced professional.

