Is it harmful to drink senna tea everyday for constipation?

Senna tea is not harmful for constipation and on the contrary is quite effective for combating mild and chronic constipation. Anthraquinones that are present in senna provide strong action on the colon walls. Senna is one of the best herbal remedies for chronic constipation since it helps creates strong peristalic action.

Regular long term usage is however not very healthy as its action causes faecal matter to move through the colon rapidly. Try to use it for just one or one and a half week, starting on small amounts and gradually increasing but only till the constipation is relieved.

For severe cases of constipation senna tea with potao peels is extremely effective. While preparing your senna tea add the peels of one red potato and you can also add a little oat bra or wheat and flax seed. The longer you let the mixture simmer the stronger the tea. Try to drink senna tea only once it has cooled down to avoid any cramping action. Senna tea prepared with peppermint is also very effective for relief from constipation. You can add in a bit of honey fro some flavour.

Keep in mind however that if you suffer from any type of colon disease, diarrhea, stomach pain, or are pregnant, senna tea or capsules should be avoided.

answered by G R

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