Does drinking tea causes constipation

Constipation can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most obvious reasons for constipation are a bad diet and lack of exercise. People who eat a variety of food items that contain white flour, dairy products like cheese, meat and eat very little fruits and vegetables are usually the ones who complain of constipation. Our body needs fiber in order to make the stools easy to evacuate. A diet rich in white flour and other processed food does not provide you with the requisite amount of fiber that your body needs.

It is also recommended that you cut down on your tea and coffee intake if you are constipated. Studies have revealed that tea contains a high percentage of tannins. Tannins has the property of binding stool. This in fact holds back the bowel movement. That is why drinking tea is not advisable if you are suffering from constipation. If you do have a tendency to be constipated, then you should make some changes in your diet. You should adopt a high fiber diet. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be eaten in large quantities. Avoid eating any food item with white flour, sugar and dairy products in it. You should also cut down on your consumption of alcohol. Instead you should eat lots of salads. Your intake of water should be increased and you can supplement this with plenty of fruit juices.

answered by G M

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