June 1, 2009

Health Tips For Vaginal Bleeding In Menopause

Posted in Category : Women's Health

Women undergoing menopause may find that they experience periods on a very irregular basis. This is one of the most common signs of the onset of menopause. When a woman goes twelve consecutive months without her periods she is known as fully menopausal. In this phase, vaginal bleeding is not considered normal. If one does go through bleeding, there could be something serious that has gone wrong internally. One of the most common causes of bleeding in this phase would be torn or swollen tissues inside the vagina. The reduction in the body’s estrogen levels could cause the vaginal lining to become dry, thin, and less elastic. Having sexual intercourse in this condition would make the bleeding worse. If this happens, one should visit one’s gynecologist for a proper examination. Though the bleeding may not be severe, it is always better to get it checked, as it may be one of the first few signs of something serious.

Some women usually experience bleeding after menopause due to continuous hormonal changes in their systems, while others may take birth control pills that could result in bleeding. Some women have benign growths — polyps and fibroids in the lining of their uterus — that can irritate or get irritated by the tissues around them, resulting in bleeding. With polyps, there is usually light irregular spotting and staining, whereas with fibroids, there would be heavier bleeding. These can be removed by undergoing a hysteroscopy. It is a test that involves the passing of a small telescope through the cervix, allowing the examination of the entire uterine area. Through this, any polyps and fibroids can be seen and removed.

Bleeding could also be a sign of a serious cancer. If the cancerous cells are detected and controlled on time, the disease can usually be treated. However, if one waits too long to get checked, the cancerous cells would multiply and begin to spread to the rest of the body. The surgery required to cure this cancer is known as hysterectomy.

Many women avoid going to their doctors in the post menopausal phase. However, a visit to the gynecologist is as important in this phase as it was during or before menopause. When the early signs of menopause start becoming visible, it is very important to start educating yourself about all the symptoms and the necessary treatments. At the first sign that something is wrong, you must get yourself checked up. In short, women who go through post-menopausal bleeding require a thorough check up. The bleeding should not be written off by assuming that it is a regular menopausal experience.