Can you please tell me how to remove callus on the finger?

A callus refers to the thick and hardened layer of skin that develops naturally as a means of protection, resulting from repeated usage and friction. Although it may seem unsightly and desirable to many, it can actually be a boon to some! Musicians who play stringed instruments, like guitarists, in fact develop calluses intentionally as the thickened skin actually increases the ease of playing and sliding over strings. This is why extended playing prior to and during formation of the callus can be very painful. This same logic also holds true in many other skills, whether you're a drummer, a rock climber, or a sailor.

Since calluses are caused as a result of repeated stress and friction, in most people they are a very common occurrence on the feet, as a result of walking. The main way to prevent or avoid the development of the callus is by avoiding that action which causes the callus to form. You can even use home treatments to soften or remove the callus, but repetition of the causative action will result in a reappearance of the callus. Calluses are usually not harmful and only under rare circumstances could contribute to other problems like skin ulceration or infection.

Calluses and corns always resolve naturally, once the source of irritation has been removed. Solutions with salicylic acid can help dissolve a callus and you can also use a pumice stone to scrape it away. If the callus is painful or for any other reason you wish to facilitate quicker healing then you can try out some of these natural methods.

  • Fill a small basin with warm water and add around half a cup of Epsom salts to it. You can soak the finger in the water for around fifteen minutes.
  • After soaking the finger make sure that you dry it gently by simply dabbing at it.
  • Apply some petroleum jelly on the surrounding skin, but not on the callus itself. Then use a pumice stone to rub down on the callus for at least a couple of minutes, after which you can wipe it clean.
  • Bandage the callus lightly with some adhesive bandage and cover this with some petroleum jelly. Leave this on for around four hours, and preferably not less than an hour.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day, and you can leave the evening treatment on overnight.

Keep up this treatment until the callus softens, but remember that it's best to take precautions against the development of calluses as they can be prevented a lot more easily than treated.

answered by S D

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