I have a painful callus on the bottom of my left foot and have tried the foot callus patches by Dr. Schools with no results. What else can I do?

Soak your foot in warm water to reduce the size of a callus and then use a pumice stone to lightly wear away the dead skin. Take good care of your feet. Clean them regularly, and use lotion or creams to keep them from drying out. Dry skin makes it easier for a callus to crack and bleed.

Try these home remedies for foot callus

  • Tie a fresh slice of lemon on the area where callus is present on the feet. Leave it overnight.
  • Apply papaya juice over the affected area thrice daily. Papaya juice acts as an irritant and will help to treat callus.
  • Make a paste from 3-4 liquorice sticks, add ½ tsp of sesame oil or mustard oil to it and rub it on the hardened skin of corn. Leave it overnight, this remedy is very effective and will help to soften the hard kin.
  • Wear thick soled footwear to avoid pressure on your callus. To avoid more callus choose comfortable footwear, wear clean socks and shoes and keep your feet clean.
    Don’t try to cut your callus at home, especially if you are suffering from diabetes. Callus removing plasters available in medical stores are also effective for stubborn callus.

answered by S P

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