March 5, 2008

Breast Implants Surgery: Types & Procedure

Posted in Category : Women's Health

Breast implants that are used in augmentation mammaplasty are normally for the enhancement of the size and shape of the breast. They are vital to increase the bust line with one or more sizes of bra cups. Many women these days are going in for breast augmentation surgery for various personal reasons. While some women choose this option to increase the size of their breast, others may do it to correct the asymmetry or congenital deformities in their breasts. Women who have smaller breasts are generally seen opting for breast augmentation more as compared to women with other reasons. There are many pregnant women who also undergo this surgery as a part of restoring their pre-pregnancy body shape. Women who lose considerable amounts of weight also prefer opting for such surgeries to restore the size and shape of their breasts with the help of implants. On the other hand breast implant reduction surgery is an option for women who already have implants but now want to reduce the size of their breasts. In this procedure the previous implants can be replaced with smaller implants to get the desired results.

Breast Implants and It’s Procedure

Breast implant procedures are also carried out on women after breast cancer surgery. Many women who suffer from breast cancer have to undergo mastectomy which involves the removal of one or both breasts. In such cases breast implants or abdominal fat and tissues are used to reconstruct the breasts. There are mainly three different kinds of breast implants that are used in such surgical procedures namely saline implants, silicone implants and alternative composition implants. Saline implants are comprised of saline solution that is sterile, silicone implants are full of sticky, rubber like silicone gel and alternative composition implants are made from other fillers like polypropylene string or soy oil. The two main types of breast implants shapes are round and teardrop. The shape of the implants used may differ from patient to patient depending on body type, amount of existing breast tissue and also personal preferences. There are 4 major types of breast implants procedures where the incisions can be made in the areola, the region where the breast and chest meet, the umbilical area or in the armpit. Scars are hardly ever noticed when the incision in made in the armpit and the umbilical area. Breast implant procedures done in these areas also cause lesser swelling because of the incision being smaller. Changes in the breasts because of these implants can be seen with the help of breast augmentation before and after pictures. In the breast implant surgery, the breast implants are the pouches or cases of silicon, which are filled with silicon gel or saline solution. When the physician leaks the implants and releases the saline into breast region, this gets safely absorbed by the body.

The average breast augmentation cost ranges from $4000 – $10,000. This cost would typically include the cost of the breast implants, facility fees, anesthesia fee and the surgeon’s charges. The cost could differ depending on the type of surgery, the training and skills of the surgeon and the type of anesthesia used in the procedure. Breast augmentation recovery time may vary from patient to patient and post operative care is a must in these surgeries. The first two days after surgery are uncomfortable and painful for most patients. The breasts tend to be swollen and sensitive for at least 4-5 weeks after surgery. Patients should avoid touching the breasts and avoid activities like strenuous exercise immediately after surgery to reduce associated risks. Rushing through the recovery process can injure the breasts and also alter the results of the surgery. There are a number of breast implant risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. Capsular contracture which is one of the common risks of breast implants takes place when the capsule or scar around the implant becomes tighter, making the breasts feel hardened. In such cases the surgeon can either remove the scar tissue around the breast implant or remove and replace the implant itself.

The swelling or inflammation may disappear in three to five weeks. The prost-operative care involves no need of eliminating the stitches. As the recovery time of every woman is dissimilar, it is precautionary safe to recommence all kind of regular activities probably after one week. The patient has to wait until the adjustment of the breast tissues with breast implants to observe the satisfactory results of this mammaplasty. Post-operative care involves usage of a post-operative bra or jogging bra for additional support and relocation of the breast as healing process is going on. The patient should wear a front-fastening bra having under-wire day and night and for four weeks excluding changing it at the time of bathing. The color of the post-operative scars may be pink and will probably remain prominently visible for six weeks. After six months, scars may be become fade. After implant surgery, a person should avoid laborious activities. The patient should not get involved in sexual activities upto two weeks as it can be very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful.

Another one of the breast implant problems is pain and bleeding. Sometimes bleeding can even cause changes in the breast size and such patients may need further surgery to correct this problem. Implant displacement is another breast implant problem associated with this surgery. Sometimes the breast implants tend to move out of position and this is normal if the movement is slight but when the movement is extreme, surgery may be required to bring them back in position. One of the side effects of breast implants is loss of sensation in the nipples and breast region. This is generally a result of damage to the nerve endings in that area. Sometimes breasts implants can even interfere with breastfeeding and therefore it is important to inform the surgeon about breastfeeding plans before going in for this surgery. Another one of the breast implants side effects is deflation of the implants. Often implant deflation is a result of a rupture or a break in the implant due to factors like implant ageing, excess compression or breast trauma. In such cases the shape and size of the breasts may change requiring corrective surgery. Therefore it is important to consult the surgeon regarding the size of the implants to be used and the type of surgical procedure to avoid such complications.

As compared to other breast surgeries, there is a rare possibility of infections with implant surgery. Scientific studies states that women with breast implants are not at an increased risk of autoimmune or diseases of connective tissues.