March 10, 2008

Treatment for BPH: Medications and Surgery

Posted in Category : Men's Health

Men experiencing the symptoms of BPH usually have the option of getting treatments for the illness although not all are required to have any at the early stage of the prostate enlargement. Mild cases of the benign prostatic hyperplasia are best treated with a regular check-up with their doctors. Approaching the BPH in this manner is what is known as the “watchful waiting”. Surgery and medications of BPH is usually required by patients who experience threats to their overall health.

Surgery and medications of BPH has been continuously studied and developed in the medical field. Among the options the patient of BPH has now are to choose between undergoing a surgery or to take medications in treating the enlargement of the prostate.

Patients commonly consider taking medication treatment for BPH especially when diagnosed in its early stage with mild enlargements. There have been some drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of enlarged prostate. Under this treatment, most drugs fall on two categories; they are the Alpha-blockers and the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. The alpha-blockers work by relaxing muscles in the bladder and in the prostrate. With relaxed muscles in the triggered area, urination will be easier, which makes the discomfort of urination eliminated for those who have the BPH. On the other hand, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors affect the enlargement of the prostate causing the decrease in the urethral pressure. Medications help relieve symptoms of the benign prostatic hyperplasia but for severe cases, surgery is still preferred.

The primary procedure for the treatment for BPH is still surgery. This is commonly required for the patients with severe BPH. The treatments of the surgery on a patient with BPH are considered when patients experience the threats of their over-all health. The symptoms dictate the need for the surgical operation, as well as the enlarged size of the prostrate. The frequency of an infection in the urinary tract, retention of urine, bladder stones, kidney problem from retention of urine and bleeding when urinating, shows the growing threats to the physical health and surgery is an effective procedure to end all the discomforts, symptoms, and continuous health deterioration of the patient. Different surgical procedures are developed for the solution of BPH in aging men; Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP), Laser surgery and Open prostatectomy are the common surgical procedures for BPH patients’ option and needs. Choosing the right surgery and medications of BPH is essential. Consultation with a medical professional is best done for choosing the appropriate surgery and medication of BPH treatment for an individual patient.

Acquiring proper awareness of the side effects and advantages of each surgery and medication of BPH type is very important and therefore must be considered before undergoing any of them. Your doctor is the best person to discuss the options suitable for you, consult your doctor, and treat BPH effectively.