Tips for oily skin

Oily skin is generally the result of overactive sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete a kind of oil called sebum which is responsible for keeping your skin lubricated. If you have oily skin, the sebaceous glands secrete more than the usual amount of sebum and give your skin a greasy and dull look. Oily skin, besides causing much discomfort, can also increase the chances of pimples and skin blemishes. It is therefore important to have a regular skin care routine that focuses on regular cleansing and toning.

There may be several causes for overactive sebaceous glands.

  • A Fluctuation in hormone levels is the most common cause of oily skin. Adolescents usually have frequent hormonal imbalance and so they often suffer from greasy skin.
  • Consumption of certain medicines or oral contraceptives that affect hormonal levels can cause your skin to become oily. If you have started using a new oral contraceptive, you may want to consider switching.
  • Pregnancy too causes fluctuations in hormonal levels, so pregnant women often find that their skin is more oily and prone to pimples.
  • Some cosmetics may irritate your skin or block your pores and cause blackheads.
  • Heredity too plays an important role in determining your skin type. Unfortunately this is something that you cannot change and so you will have to adjust your skin care program accordingly.
  • Temperature and humidity too can affect sebum production. If you are living in a hot and humid zone, you will need to wash your face frequently.

In spite of the many pitfalls of having an oily skin, you can take comfort in the fact that you have one natural advantage oily skin ages more slowly than any other skin type. Therefore, with proper care and some preventive measures to control the oiliness of skin, one can retain their youthful skin for a longer time.

Having an oily skin type demands a lot of attention and care. The most important thing is to keep it clean and fresh. Oily skin should be washed frequently so that dirt and grease do not clog the pores of the skin. So, cleanse your skin several times a day with a mild soap and water. Be careful to choose the type of soap you use because a strong soap may strip your skin of the excess oil as well as its essential nutrients. you can also use aloe vera gel or tea tree oil Instead of soap.

Besides these, you can also practice some natural methods to deal with oily skin effectively. Rub your face with a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice. You can also use apple cider vinegar in place of lemon juice, or even separately. Use a clay mask at least once a week to keep sebum levels under control.

Finally, a little bit of attention to diet may also be quite helpful. Eat green fibrous vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, and cereals. Avoid processed and fried foods and caffeinated drinks. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, which will help your body, flush out toxins and keep your skin hydrated.

answered by G M

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