Causes and remedies for ligament pain

Without knowing if this problem was caused by an injury the best thing you can do is stretch your hand and wrist before doing any physical activity. Also, taking a natural anti-inflammatory like Devil's Claw will help reduce the inflammation and pain. To help correct this problem, you can take joint supplements like chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. MSM is especially helpful in reducing inflammation and correct joint problems. Another very good anti-inflammatory is Arnica or Arnica Montana. You may also find a beneficial to wrap your wrist in a bandage for support and if the problems persist you should seek the help of a qualified specialist so that they can do an ultrasound or other diagnostic methods to see what is causing the problem in your hand. It is important to avoid things like typing for long periods of time as this can irritate the ligaments of your hand. The anti inflammatory arnica is especially fast acting and will not only help if taken before you play your sports that also after you have played to avoid painful inflammation. It also is a good idea to soak your hand in warm water and Epsom salts after participating in any strenuous activities.

answered by R P

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