Common causes of uterine prolapse

A uterine prolapse is a condition in which your pelvic floor muscles and ligaments start stretching and become weak. The muscles do not support the uterus properly, because of which, it falls into the vaginal canal. This condition is more common in menopausal women, especially if they have had one or more vaginal deliveries.

This could be due to the fact that during childbirth (and perhaps pregnancy too) the straining can weaken the pelvic floor, which results in a uterine vaginal prolapse. One of the most common causes of uterine prolapse is pregnancy and the trauma that is incurred during childbirth, especially if the babies are on the larger side, or if the delivery is a particularly difficult one, due to any reason.

Uterine prolapse is a lot more common in older women as compared to younger women. This could be because of the fact that ageing is one of the causes of uterine prolapse too. Loss of muscle tone is a regular feature of the ageing process, as is the reduction in the amount of estrogen circulating in the body, after menopause. These factors also contribute towards uterine prolapse.

Though rare, at times a prolapsed uterus could occur due to the presence of a tumor, in the pelvic region. Genetics too play a vital role in the strength of the tissues, supporting the uterus.

Data shows that women who are of Northern European descent are at a higher risk of uterine prolapse, as compared to women of African or Asian descent. However, just about any woman can suffer from uterine prolapse or other types of prolapse. Apart from a uterine prolapse, types of prolapses that a woman can suffer from include:
  • Anterior compartment prolapses, which include cystocele, urethrocele and mixed anterior prolapse
  • Apical prolapses like enterocele and vaginal prolapse 
  • Posterior compartment prolapses, such as enterocele and rectocele

There are 4 different uterine prolapse stages that a woman goes through and the signs and symptoms of each stage vary. In the first stage the uterus descends to a point just above the hymen. In the second stage, the uterus further descends to the hymen. In the third stages, the descent of the uterus continues beyond the hymen and in the final stage, total eversion takes place. In the beginning, the signs and symptoms of uterine prolapse may not be seen. However, as the condition progresses, you may notice:
  • Heaviness or a pulling sensation in your pelvic region
  • Difficulties during urination, such as urine retention or urine leakage 
  • Pain in the lower back 
  • Tissues protruding from the vagina 
  • Bowel movement problems 
  • The sensation of sitting on a small object 
  • Looseness in vaginal tissue tone, which could lead to sexual concerns
It is quite common for the symptoms of uterine prolapse to be less bothersome at the beginning of the day. However, as the day progresses, these symptoms are bound to get worse. Most instances of uterine prolapse are not a cause for concern, unless the symptoms are severe and disrupt normal activities. In case any of the severe symptoms of uterine prolapse become evident, it is best for you to set up and appointment with your doctor and go in for a checkup. Please waste no time at all, in case you happen to notice the uterine prolapse symptoms during pregnancy. Apart from a detailed physical exam of the pelvic area, you may be required to go through some imaging tests, which include an ultrasound or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), for an accurate diagnosis.


In many cases, women do not really need to undergo treatment, in order to cure a uterine prolapse, especially if the symptoms are not too severe. Nevertheless, some of the various uterine prolapse treatment options that are available include:

Lifestyle changes

Good living habits like eating right, following a proper exercise routine and giving up on unhealthy practices like drinking alcohol and smoking can have an excellent effect on your overall health and well-being. In case you are suffering from any lung disease or other health problems, it is best to undergo treatment for that affliction, so that the progression of uterine prolapse can be slowed down a bit.
  • Maintain a healthy weight at all times, so that the effects of being overweight or obese, on the supportive pelvic structures, can be minimized
  • Practice certain exercises for uterine prolapse, which include Kegel exercises, as they strengthen the pelvic flood
  • Reduce any pressure on the abdominal area, by avoiding any heavy weights or strain.

Vaginal Pessary

This is a device that has been designed for holding the uterus in place. It can be a long-term or a short-term mode of treatment. This device comes in several different shapes and sizes and since it is fitted inside the vagina, it is important for your doctor to get the right measurements. After fitting the pessary in place, your doctor may ask you to walk around, sit, squat or even lay down, just to make sure that the fit is correct. It is important for the doctor to monitor the fit and position of the pessary after a few days. You need to learn how to remove the device, clean it and fit it in, so that infections do not occur. Some of the risks associated with this device are ulcerations, sores, foul-smelling discharge and interference with sexual intercourse.


Many women who do not see relief after bringing about lifestyle changes choose to go in for surgical repair procedures. However, this is not the ideal option for women who plan to have more children, as a vaginal hysterectomy is carried out, to remove the uterus as well as some vaginal tissue.

It is best for you to set up an appointment with your doctor, so that you can discuss all the possible uterine prolapse treatment options and zero-in on the one that is most suitable for you.


Vaginal prolapse can be described as a condition in which the vaginal walls become weak and cannot provide adequate support to the vagina, because of which it may fall out of place. If you do have this condition, you are quite likely to experience pain, discomfort and other problems that are related to urination, defecation and perhaps even sexual intercourse. There are several different factors that could lead to this condition. Some of the most common vaginal prolapse causes include:

  • Multiple pregnancies and childbirth (normal deliver), which applies a lot of pressure on the vaginal walls. Women who have been through long or difficult labor are also likely to suffer from vaginal prolapse
  • Lack of estrogen causes the walls of the vagina to weaken, which could lead to prolapse. The levels of estrogen tend to fall in older women, especially those who are menopausal.
  • Women who have been through an hysterectomy, where the uterus is removed are more likely to experience vaginal prolapse. This is because the uterus is an integral part of the support structure and it is located at the top of the vagina. In the absence of the uterus, the upper region of the vagina can fall towards the opening, leading to a vaginal vault prolapse.
  • Some of the other factors that are also known to be vaginal prolapse causes include obesity, genetics, strenuous physical activity, connective tissue abnormalities, nerve or tissue dysfunction and prior pelvic surgery.
In order to rectify the problem, the best option as recommended by most health care providers, is a vaginal prolapse surgery.

answered by G M

You perhaps have a flacid ,gaseous uteine cavity or a prolapse may be partial.Please do some exercises like walking daily.Do deep inhalation exalation for 10 minutes early in the morning .Take a homeopathic remedy called carbo veg 30 5pills 2 times daily.

answered by D M K

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