I have very dry callused hands all the time. My husband wont even let me touch him. How can I soften calluses using home remedies?

A callus can be defined as a thick or hard area formed on the surface of one’s skin. These hard and roughs bumps are most commonly found on the hands and feet. They basically form when a portion of the skin is exposed to constant friction or pressure. Formation of calluses is a complete normal and natural process; it is more like a defense mechanism that is adopted by our body, to protect the skin against pressure and or friction. Calluses can pose to be a problem when they get too thick or too hard. They cause the individuals skin to feel rough, dry, hard and coarse, in-fact they can at times, interfere with ones dexterity and sensitivity.

There a number of home remedies that can help in getting rid of stubborn calluses. A large number of people attempt to get rid of a callus either by slicing it or cutting it, without any medical supervision. Never attempt to do this, as the risk of getting an infection is high. To a quart of lukewarm water, add 2½ cups of oatmeal. Set this mixture aside, preferably overnight. The following morning, strain out the water into a container. To this you will now need to add one teaspoon each of diluted ammonia, olive oil, rose water, glycerin and one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix all the items together and preserve the resultant mixture in a bottle. This solution works as an excellent moisturizer, use it on your hand 3-4 times a day, regularly, it will help in getting rid of the calluses.

Mix together equal quantities of glycerin and rose water. This mixture should be massaged into the hands two to three times a day, regularly. It will help in repairing damage that has been caused by hard detergents and soaps. To one tablespoon of lanolin oil, add a tablespoon each of almond oil and cocoa butter. This works as an effective moisturizer too, and should be massaged into the skin several times a day. Mix one cup of clear water with one cup of vinegar, and then set this mixture aside. Now, combine the yolk of one egg with a teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of almond oil. This mixture should then be massaged into the hands. Thereafter, put a pair of cotton gloves. 30 minutes later, take off the gloves and rinse your hands with the water and vinegar solution that has been set aside. This treatment will work well too.

answered by G M

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