The gum under my molars keeps swelling up and it gets really painful. what could be the cause of this an what can I do to stop this?

Try these simple home remedies to decrease the swelling in your gums -

  • Add a tsp of salt in warm water, sip and swish this water in the mouth for a minute and then spill it out. The salt and warm water will help to decrease the swelling infection in the gums.
  • Suck a small piece of ice or use cold compress on the side which is swollen. Ice will act as local anesthetic by desensitizing the nerve endings and thereby decreasing pain. However don't chew the ice as it can cause damage to the teeth.
  • Tobacco and smoking cigarette can worsen the infection, so it is wise to stop it completely.
  • Maintain a good oral hygiene, clean your tongue and brush your teeth at least twice daily.

If the swelling worsens and is accompanied with pain, pus or infection then consult a specialist to know the cause and treat it.

answered by Dr S

Warning: does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. see additional information
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