Home remedies for itchy and flaky ears

Infection in the ear results in flakes in the ear, associated with itching and pain. Blockage of the Eustachian tube results in entry of germs, which contributes to infection. Changes in the temperature bring about dryness of the ears. Over-the-counter ear drops prove effective. Itching is also a result of swimmer's ear.

The acidity of the ear is affected, on entry of water. Thus, the protection of the ear from entry of germs is lost. Any cut or injury in the internal ear results in microbial entry into the blood stream. Also referred to as external otitis, this condition requires care. Severe pain, pus, decreased hearing, swelling, stuffiness, flaky or scaly skin and itching in the ear are the common symptoms of swimmer's ear.

Treatment includes use of antibiotics. Visit a ear specialist to diagnose the degree of infection. Severe pain is decreased by the intake of non steroidal inflammatory drugs. Cleaning the external ear helps in increasing the effectiveness of the drops and medicines used. Ear drops to ward off infection also proves beneficial. Care should be taken, not to swim or allow water inside the ear.

answered by Dr C

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