April 12, 2010

Convulsions Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Convulsions or epilepsy is a neurological disorder that results in a violent shaking of the body. While a person is suffering from a seizure or convulsion, his/her muscles tend to contract and expand rapidly. There are however, several different types of seizures and their symptoms range from mild to serious. Seizures are generally a result of disorganized and sudden electrical activity in the brain. Convulsions can be potentially serious conditions and should be given attention immediately. A seizure or convulsion would generally last anywhere between thirty seconds and two minutes. But if you observe that the convulsion results in loss of consciousness or if the person does not respond after a seizure you should seek medical attention immediately. The major symptoms of convulsions include blackouts and frothing or drooling from the mouth. Sometimes, patients who experience convulsions also lose control of the bladder and bowels. Patients also tend to experience clenching of the teeth, difficulty in breathing and uncontrollable spasms and twitching of the muscles. Generally, before the onset of a convulsion, the person may experience dizziness, nausea, anxiety or stress and even experiences bright lights or spots in front of the eyes. Some of the most common causes for convulsions are prolonged alcohol consumption, epilepsy, trauma to the head, stroke, high blood pressure and sometimes poisonous insect bites.

Treatment For Convulsions

While caring for a person suffering from convulsions, it is important to take certain precautions. If you have observed the onset of a seizure, try and ensure that the person is not likely to hurt himself/herself by preventing the possibility of a fall. Ensure that the person is in an area that is free of objects that may cause harm and allow him/her to lie down in a place that is safe. Try and provide cushioning for the patient’s head to prevent any injury to the head. Generally, a convulsion tends to cause a choking or suffocating sensation and it may thus be helpful to loosen the patient’s clothing. When clothing is loosened especially around the throat and neck, it is very effective in restoring normal breathing when a person experiences a seizure.

It is very helpful to turn the patient to his/her side during a convulsion. This is to ensure that if there is any vomiting, it does not descend into the lungs. Avoid trying to restrain or control the patient’s movements. During a seizure, a person has no control over his/her bodily movements and it is therefore important to keep the person from danger while simultaneously avoiding any interference with his/her movements during the seizure.