April 27, 2010

Foot Spasms: Causes And Treatment

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Causes and Symptoms

Simply put, spasms are contractions of the hands, thumbs, feet and toes that are usually accompanied by muscle cramps, twitching and convulsions. Although usually very brief, they can be significantly painful. Cramps can be categorized depending on the number and types of muscles involved in the contractions. For example, true cramps will usually involve either part or all of a group of muscles that flex several fingers that are physically adjacent to each other. Experts believe that these true cramps are caused primarily because of the heightened excitability of the nerves that stimulate the muscles. Some of the more common reasons for foot spasms include the possibility of sports or occupational muscle injury as well as Parkinson’s and other neuromuscular conditions. In hyperventilation, the supplies of calcium become temporarily unavailable to the body – thereby causing the muscles to contract rapidly – giving rise to hyperventilation. Some other symptoms that usually accompany foot spasms include twitching, muscle weakness, fatigue and uncontrolled rapid motions.

It is also important to keep in mind the possibility that foot spasms can easily be an early sign of Tetany, which is a potentially life threatening condition. Tetany is a condition characterized by abnormal calcium availability in the body and could be the result of a lack of vitamin D, an ingestion of alkaline salts and the presence of alkalosis in the body.


There are a number of home remedy treatments that will help you effectively cure the onset of foot cramps. For example, treating the affected area of the foot to a gentle massage will help relax the knots in the cramped muscles slowly, thereby relieving the contracted muscles by improving the blood circulation. Stretching your legs with your toes pointed upwards and towards the head and holding this position for about 30 seconds will help reduce the intensity of foot cramps. Another effective option would be to rub an ice pack over the cramped area for about 10 minutes, or until it turns noticeably red – which is an indication that the blood cells are helping eat up the muscles. The kind of diet you eat will also play a significant role in the frequency and intensity of the foot cramps you experience. Increase your intake of high calcium foods like skimmed milk and yoghurt. Foods like bananas and potatoes will help boost your potassium levels. Also make it a point to drink plenty of water over the course of the day to ensure that your body maintains the optimum of fluid content.