Natural Remedies For Gas

Gas is a normal problem commonly faced by many individuals, which can many times be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Gas can be either passed out of the body by burping or by passing it out through the rectum. Gas is basically an odorless vapor containing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes methane. The off odor (that comes when a gas is passed through the rectum) is gained from the bacteria present in the large intestine which releases small amount of sulfur containing gas.

The gas comes in the digestive tract in two ways:-

  • By swallowing air through rapid eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum or loose dentures.
  • Breakdown of undigested food by some harmless bacteria present in the colon or large intestine.

The most common symptom for gas includes flatulence, bloating, belching and abdominal pain. One should understand that releasing gas or flatulence is a normal process for every individual to gain comfort, but the problem associated with it is its off odor. Excess of anything is harmful, that holds true for gas too. If other disorder is associated or responsible for gas or if eliminating large amount of gas on regular basis (chronic issue) then appropriate medications should be started after consulting a specialist. Gas is however an easy symptom to handle by following certain anti gas remedies, try the following listed below.

  • Holy Basil :- Make tiny balls by mixing 10 gm of fresh basil juice and equal amounts of ginger powder with double the amount of jaggery. This is considered as a good anti gas home remedy when followed on regular basis. You can also chew fresh holy basil leaves daily on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Ginger Trick :- Slice fresh ginger (thin slices) add salt and lemon juice in it. Mix well and store it in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Chew one to two slices of this daily after meals. Ginger powder can also be used as an effective anti gas remedy. For this mix a pinch of asafetida and salt to ½ tsp ginger powder, and then add to a cup of lukewarm water. Drink this mixture daily to get relieved from gas problem.
  • Food Cure :- Certain foods with high fiber and carbohydrate can cause gas. Avoid any offenders which include broccoli, apples, beans, bananas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, peas, egg plant, milk, cream, ice cream, onions, radish, tomatoes and artificial sweeteners.
  • Move those Bodies :- Avoid sedentary life, a human body was not made to sit at one place. Be active and exercise. It will not only help to deal with the gas but it will also help you to remain fit and young.

Flatulence or excessive gas in the abdomen is a very common ailment, affecting thousands of people all over the world. While some of us may experience this problem on a one-off basis, in others it could be chronic. In case you suffer from excess gas, you are also likely to experience other symptoms such as bloating in the abdominal region. Though gas and bloating are not very serious, they can lead to a considerable amount of pain and discomfort. In fact, at times pain caused by excessive gas is so severe it is mistaken for the symptom of a heart attack. Moreover, excess gas can be quite an embarrassment. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that several people seek medical attention to get rid of this problem. There are quite a few simple and natural remedies for gas that are very effective and easy to use. These remedies can also include certain lifestyle and dietary changes. However, before you use any home remedies for gas relief or make any major alterations to your diet and lifestyle, it is important to for you understand "what causes gas";.

What Causes Gas and Bloating?

There are many people who ask doctors "what causes gas in the stomach" in order to identify the remedies and steps that will be most helpful in eliminating the problem of excess gas. Given below are some of the common causes of excess gas and bloating:

  • Slow Digestion: Some of us retain food in the digestive system for a longer period of time, as compared to others. This could occur because of lack of fiber or water in the diet. Many women suffer from gas and bloating during pregnancy, mainly because of slow digestion.
  • Consuming Foods that are Difficult to Absorb: It is a well-known fact that there are certain foods that cause gas, such as beans, peas and other pulses. However, your body takes a longer period of time to process a few other types of foods too, especially carbs. Therefore, foods that are high in carbs get passed on to the large intestines, after which the bacteria present in the colon try to break them down. During this process, a high amount of gas is produced in the body, which is usually eliminated in the form of flatulence. Therefore, it is not uncommon to experience gas and bloating after eating certain types of food, some of which include lentils, dried beans, apples, prunes, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
  • Swallowing Air: You swallow a small amount of air every time you talk, breathe and eat. However, at times, you may end up swallowing more air than what is normal, which is one of the leading causes of gas and bloating. Some of the activities that can cause you to swallow an additional amount of air include eating at a fast pace, smoking, chewing gum or drinking beverages with a straw.
  • Underlying Medical Conditions: There are quite a few health problems that affect the functioning of the digestive system, leading to gas and bloating in the stomach. Some of the conditions that could cause excess gas include Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation and food intolerances. Hormonal imbalances could also be one of the factors that lead to gas and bloating before menstruation in women.

There are many other factors that could lead to flatulence and bloating and some of them are more serious than the others. Therefore, in case you do suffer from these problems, it is best to check with a doctor, before using any home remedies for gas pain.

Natural Remedies for Flatulence

There is no specific medication that your doctor will prescribe to cure this problem, which is why you need to rely mainly on natural remedies for indigestion. One of the first steps in relieving excess gas is bringing about dietary changes and avoiding those foods that cause gas. Some of the other foods that you need to eliminate or reduce in your diet include dairy products, oil, aerated drinks, fatty foods, spices and certain vegetables. Raw foods, especially uncooked veggies should be strictly avoided. Also make it a point to eat at regular intervals, so that excess gas is not produced in the abdomen.

Ginger helps improve digestion, because of which problems like gas and bloating can be reduced. You can consume ginger in many different ways, depending upon your preferences. For best results, take half a teaspoon of ginger powder mixed in half a glass of warm water and drink. If possible, add a pinch of rock salt to enhance the effectiveness of this remedy. Alternately, soak a few pieces of ginger in lemon juice for a while before chewing on them. Increasing your consumption of ginger through food is also good for reducing gas.

Honey is excellent in alleviating several afflictions including flatulence and indigestion. It is also one of the most commonly recommended home remedies for gas pain in chest. Make it a point to have a teaspoon of honey, preferably with one drop of dill oil added to it, after every meal.

Baking soda helps to neutralize the levels of acid in the stomach. This remedy may cause you to belch, so that you can get rid of the excess gas. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink the solution a few times a day.

Home Remedies for Gas Relief in Infants

Most infants suffer from excess gas, for the first 4 to 6 months, which can be quite distressing, not just for the child, but also for the parents. However, there are several different home remedies for gas relief in infants that are fairly safe and effective.

It is quite common for parents to stop feeding for a few minutes, just so that the baby can burp. However, this could cause the child to swallow extra air, which is one of the main causes of excess gas. Therefore, parents are advised to wait till the feeding is done, in order to burp their babies.

Warming up the tummy and keeping the baby relaxed is also quite effective in reducing the production of gas. Give your baby a warm bath twice a day and swaddle the baby in a warm blanket as often as possible.

A tonic of anise water has been used for years now to relieve excess gas in babies. While there are commercial brands available in the market, you could prepare this remedy at home. In a clean sauce pan, pour 500 ml of water and add half a teaspoon of anise seeds to it, before bringing them to a boil. Let the ingredients boil for five minutes and then allow it to cool, before giving it to the baby. The daily recommended dosage for anise water can vary between 2 drops and a dropper full, depending upon the baby's age.

While the natural remedies for gas mentioned above are quite safe if used correctly, it is important to consult a doctor before trying any of them.