I have very oily skin and lot of pimples please suggest a remedy.

As your skin is oily, which is more prone to pimples, treatment for both pimples and oily skin should be done simultaneously for best results.

  • Rub sandal wood stick on a wooden board with rose water. Apply this paste on the affected areas. Sandal wood is very effective in the treatment to cure pimples.
  • Grind dry orange peels and mix it with water to make a paste. Apply this on the affected area.
  • Garlic is also valuable in treating acne. Eat garlic daily raw or include it in your meals. Externally also when pounded and applied helps in curing pimples.
  • Aloe vera cream also when applied on pimples, is very potent in treating them.
  • Wash your face at least 3-4 times a day to keep your skin oil free.
  • Never pop a pimple as the infection can spread on other areas too.
  • Avoid oily/fried foods, refined white flour based foods, processed foods, junk foods, pickles, wafers, colas, strong tea and coffee as far as possible.

answered by S P

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