Vitamin B deficiency

Vitamin B plays a major role in regulating the immune system and nervous system. B group vitamins work together to boost metabolism, encourage cell growth and keep skin and muscles healthy. Therefore, it is important to maintain the recommended level of vitamin B in the body, or else it will lead to deficiency of Vitamin B. The amount of Vitamin B recommended is 1.3 mg/day for men and women under 50, and 1.7 mg/day for those older than 50.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is essential for the utilization of carbohydrate in the body. Vitamin B1 deficiency causes accumulation of pyruvic acid and lactic acid in the tissues and fluids. It also causes neurological and mental disturbances. Deficiency of thiamine also results in a disease called Beri-Beri.

Beri-beri is a nutiritonal disorder that is divided into wet beri-beri and dry beri-beri. Symptoms of wet beri-beri include pain, loss of feeling, muscle damage, tingling, vomiting and even death in extreme cases whereas symptoms of dry beri-beri include swelling, increased heart rate, lung congestion and shortness of breath. To combat with these deficiency symptoms it is important to incorporate fortified food sources like oil seeds, cereals, dried yeast, pulses and ground nut in your diet.

Vitamin B2 plays a vital role in metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause skin lesions and light sensitivity. The vitamin is very good for eyes, mouth, skin and nails, so incorporate food stuff such as milk, mushrooms, meat, liver and dark green vegetables in your diet.

Deficiency of Vitamin B3 results in pellagra associated with symptoms of sunburn, diarrhea, irritability, swollen tongue and mental instability. Therefore, it is important to add niacin rich sources such as dried beans, liver, nuts, cereals and salmon to your dietary intake.

Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in helping the body absorb and metabolize essential amino acids. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells and fat utilization. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 show signs of smooth tongue, dizziness, skin diseases, nausea, anemia and kidney stones. To curb the deficiency symptoms it is very important to consume pyridoxine rich food sources such as green beans, spinach, avocadoes and bananas.

Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin or Cyanocobalamin, helps in formation of red blood cell and regulating the functions of nervous system. If the body has a shortage of this vitamin, it leads to pernicious anemia. B12 can only be found as eggs, milk, fish, meat, and liver.