What is preeclampsia and how to cure it. Does 1000mg of vitamin c and 400 iu of vitamin e help?

The pregnancy phase of a woman’s life is one of the most traumatic parts. the fact that the expectant mother will worry not only about her health, but also that of the baby, will add to the amount of stress that she goes through when there are any complications or she is diagnosed with any condition. Pre-eclampsia is one such condition where the mother goes through a significant amount of hypertension during pregnancy and is known to be accompanied by significant amounts of protein in the urine. The difficulty in diagnosing the problem lies in the fact that the signs and symptoms mirror other “normal” effects that a mother will feel and encounter during a pregnancy. Moreover, the patient will feel absolutely fine and normal which leads to quite some irritation as they feel no need for the required amount of bed rest. Some of the notable symptoms of the condition, apart from the protein content of the urine, are the swelling of the hands and feet, headaches, a blurring of ones vision, a severe intolerance for bright light and high blood pressure. The occurrence of the condition is not extremely widespread and affects about 5 to 7 percent of all pregnancies. However, this does in no way imply that the condition should not be taken seriously. If the condition remains untreated, or is treated inadequately, it could possibly grow into a full blown case of eclampsia, which can be a fatal condition that involves convulsions and coma. Almost 5 percent of those patients that suffer from pre-eclampsia will see their cases progress into eclampsia.

When dealing with this condition, your food intake and diet patterns are essential in giving you the best possible chance for recuperation. A high intake of Vitamin C and vitamin E, as you suggested, is extremely beneficial and will help significantly in your treatment. One should also make sure that you have foods that are rich in nutrients such as legumes, whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, lean meats such as fish and poultry, a significant amount of vegetable and fruits. Vegetables that are dark green and leafy and fruits like oranges are very rich sources of Vitamin C. you should also make sure that you are getting enough calcium into your body as this will help lower the blood pressure in pregnant as well as non-pregnant women. An increased intake of magnesium by way of foods like wheat germ and whole grains will also prove to be extremely beneficial.

answered by G M

Preeclampsia is a condition which may occur during pregnancy and is characterized by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, headaches, swelling (edema) etc.  The condition not only affects the mother but also the fetus, by preventing adequate nutrition from crossing the placenta.  So, it can be very serious.  From a naturopathic perspective, I believe this condition may be another example of the body's inability to eliminate properly.  Therefore, toxic wastes are building up in the bloodstream and organ systems.  While Vitamin C and Vitamin E are antioxidants, and can help neutralize certain acid wastes they do very little to help elimination.  Because the condition can be very serious, the appropriate therapies for you need to aggressively address adequate kidney, liver, lung and digestive system support.  Please seek the advice of a trained health care professional to help.  http://www.countrydoc.com

Dr. Karen Benton, Naturopathic Physician 


answered by Dr K B N

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