Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin is an organic substance that is required in trace amounts for vital body functions. Vitamins are classified into fat soluble and water soluble vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins include Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin E whereas water soluble vitamins include Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex.

Some of the vitamins like Vitamin D and K are synthesized by the body and some are provided through enriched food sources. Poor dietary intake, stress and certain medical conditions can deplete or destroy the essential layers of vitamin in the body. Destruction of vitamin layer leads to symptoms of vitamin deficiency. The most common signs of vitamin deficiency are fatigue, nausea, pain, headache, immune disorder and nerve diseases, resulting in overall impairment in growth and development.

Vitamin A deficiency leads to night blindness and dry eye. The most common symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include tiredness, hair loss, joint pain, weakened muscle, swelling, fatigue, weight loss and memory loss.

Vitamin B deficiency is most common in all age groups as this group of vitamins regulate all the vital functions of human body. Signs of Vitamin B deficiency include stress, frustrations, depression and loss of memory. It greatly affects the functioning of nervous system, associated with improper nerve transmission and brain functions.

Many people are also affected by the deficiency symptoms of Vitamin C. This deficiency leads to a disease called scurvy. The most common symptoms include inflammation and bleeding of gums. It can also lead to joint pains, damaged hair and dry skin.

Deficiency of Vitamin D results in growth retardation and skeletal deformities. It hampers the absorption of calcium in the body and eventually leads to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.

Vitamin K and Vitamin E don't show much of vitamin deficiencies symptoms. Yet, they affect the normal body functions in case of prolonged deficiencies. Symptoms of Vitamin K deficiency include heavy menstrual bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, nosebleeds, anemia, gum bleeding, prolonged clotting time and liver cancer. Vitamin K deficiency symptoms can be treated by taking vitamin supplements or by adding more of leafy vegetables, tomatoes, honey, egg yolk and wheat gram in your daily diet.

Symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency include a decline in cognitive function, loss of deep tendon reflexes, muscle weakness and loss of vibration. This deficiency usually occurs in developing countries due to poor dietary intake. Vitamin E deficiency symptoms can be curbed by consuming food stuff such as vegetable oil, wheat germ oil and egg yolk.

Vitamin deficiency signs can be well curbed by consuming adequate amount of vitamin enriched foods. Well balanced and nutritious diet can help fight all the health ailments and provide a healthy body and mind. In case of prolonged deficiency, use of vitamin supplements can also work wonders for treating any vitamin deficiency symptom.