April 12, 2011

What is Epididymitis in Children

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

What is epididymitis? Epididymitis is a condition that occurs when the epididymis gets swollen or inflamed. The epididymis is a tube which joins the testicles to the vas deferens. Now that you know what epididymitis is, you might wonder what causes it. Epididymitis is usually caused by a bladder infection. It is usually caused by an infection that spreads from either the bladder or the urethra. Men who are sexually active and in the age group of 19-35 years are more prone to this disease. Diseases like Cystitis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and so on can also cause epididymitis in men. This medical condition is also more commonly seen in homosexual men and men who indulge in anal intercourse. Men who have recently undergone surgery or have a history of certain structural troubles which involve the genito-urinary tract would be more at risk for epididymitis. Being uncircumcised and constant use of indwelling urethral catheter are two other factors that could be responsible for epididymitis. Older men may suffer from this due to an enlarged prostrate gland. Acute epididymitis consists of pain in the testicles, a swelling of the scrotum and inflammation. Acute epididymitis also sometimes causes a fever which can last up to 6 weeks or so. The fever in this case, comes on gradually over a few days. If you still wish to know what is epididymitis, read on to find out more. If epididymitis is not treated, it can become a chronic condition. However, in chronic cases there is only pain and no swelling. Epididymitis in children occurs due to uropathogens that could be present; these include coliform organisms like E.coli. However, children who show signs of epididymitis should always be investigated for any underlying congenital abnormalities such as an ectopic ureter or vesicouretral reflux.

Symptoms of Epididymitis:

  • Enlarged testes (painful scrotal swelling)
  • Pain in the groin
  • Fever
  • Tender, swollen groin area on the affected side
  • Testicular lump
  • Tender and swollen testicle on the affected side
  • Discharge from the urethra
  • Blood in the semen
  • Testicle pain that is aggravated by bowel movement.
  • There may also be lower abdominal discomfort or pelvic discomfort
  • Pain on ejaculation.
  • Urination may cause pain or discomfort.
  • Chills
  • A heavy sensation in the testicle.

This condition can be diagnosed by a physical examination and medical history as well. A urinalysis and a urine culture may be recommended to check for a urinary infection. A culture may also be done of the discharge from the penis to check for a bacterial infection. Other tests may also be carried out to rule out the presence of any tumors or testicular torsion.

Epididymitis remedies include medication to treat the infection. Keep in mind that sexually transmitted infections will require special antibiotics and the person’s sexual partners should take the prescribed medication as well. Inflammatory medication and pain medication may be prescribed as well. Other supportive treatment include bed rest with the hips elevated. The treatment for epididymitis is very effective if taken correctly. Ensure that the medication is taken on time. Alcoholic and caffeine beverages should be avoided. Soft chairs and tools should be used and a towel with an ice bag should be applied to reduce the pain and swelling. All heavy and regular activity should be avoided until the infection is treated and cured. If the above mentioned treatment does not help, then surgery may be required. An epididymitis vasectomy or rather a bilateral vasectomy may also be performed. This prevents sperm from passing through the epidiymsis. The above article should answer all your questions as to what is epididymitis.