July 13, 2010

Home Remedies for Prostatitis

Posted in Category : Sexual Health

Cure for Strong Urination Urge after Ejaculation

Prostatitis is a condition in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed. The gland itself is the size of a walnut and is located directly below the bladder. The primary function of this gland is to produce semen. However, if you feel an urge to urinate after ejaculation, or have any kind of pain during or after you have ejaculated, it is usually due to prostatitis.

Other urinary frequency causes include urinary tract infections and bladder infections. Some of the common symptoms of these are burning and pain during urination, frequent need to urinate, and pain in the pelvic area and lower back. These symptoms are common between prostatitis and other urinary tract infections. Therefore, it is important to make the distinction between the two.

There are four different types of prostatitis. The acute form of the disease has a sudden onset, but is extremely painful and may even be debilitating. Apart from this, there are chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic non bacterial prostatitis.

Ejaculation and urination could occur simultaneously because there is partial blockage in the urinary tract and that causes the growth of bacteria. All forms of prostatitis are not curable. However, the symptoms could be controlled using zinc supplements. There have been many studies in which the positive effects of zinc supplements on prostatic hyperplasia have been seen. In prostatitis, flower pollen may also have some positive effects. There have been uncontrolled experiments using the extracts of flower pollen. In these, a substantial improvement has been seen in the disorder over a period of 18 months. However, no controlled studies have yet been conducted regarding the same and the effectiveness, therefore, remains under question.

Some of the herbs which are considered useful for prostatitis are saw palmetto, pygeum and pau d’arco. These herbs are still in the preliminary stages of experimentation and testing. However, whatever research has till now been carried on these, has been promising.

Saw palmetto has been used widely in benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, recently it has also been successfully used in clinical trials for the treatment of prostatitis. The extracts of saw palmetto would help reduce the inflammation in the prostate gland.

Pygeum has only been used in a single preliminary trial. However, it has shown improvements in the symptoms. More trials are being prepared to be undertaken in a controlled environment, to obtain clinically conclusive results. Pau d’arco has been used to treat prostates for quite some time. It is especially beneficial against the bacteria E.coli.