Health Advice

An itchy ear often keep you wondering what is the cause is but more than that it keeps your more...

Give him breast milk, but along with it you also need to help him to get rid of his cold and...

There can many reasons for numb lips and it's difficult to enumerate all of them. The main...

There is absolutely no problem in bathing during a tonsilitis attack. In fact a hot compress or...

Try these remedies to relieve the pain and bleeding - Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag or a...

Your ears might get blocked due to an ear infection or excessive wax in the ears. It can also be...

Chloroquine is an antimalarial medicine used to treat malaria. However sometimes it is also used...

Try these simple home remedies to deal with herpes virus - Pour warm water over the sores 3-4...

You can have bone spurs only at a joint where they (2 bones) rub together. So the parts of leg...

Yes apple cider vinegar is helpful to overcome a hangover. Just pour 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar...

Remedies for thrush - 1. Gargle with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar added to 1 cup of water. Gargle...