Health Advice

Tooth pain may seem like a trivial matter to anyone not afflicted with a toothache, but it can be...

Causes of appendicitis - Accumulation of waste and toxic material in caecum, results in...

Remedy for blood in stool - Blood in stools can indicate a disorder or injury of the digestive...

Itchy toes can be a cause of constant irritation and you tend to seek anything and everything to...

Firstly avoid using any deodorant directly on your skin. If you really feel the need then use a...

The glands under the jaw bone can swell as a result of an infection, cold, sore throat, ear...

Most of the time the corn would come out on its own after you apply good corn cap and follow the...

An elevated intraocular pressure can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve and is...

Meaning of Enema Enema is a method of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon through the...

Home Cures for Itching Itching is mainly caused by impure blood. Read on for some of the most...

Boils are contagious when not treated well. Boils are basically round, pus-filled bumps caused by...

Could be just an itch or it could be dry skin or could be your legs touching too much (if thats...

Stroke in the brain is deadly and can lead to heart attack. When the blood supply to the brain is...