Remedies to clean arteries

What is the best way to clean out my arteries?

Remedies to clean arteries

  1. The best way is Yoga pranayam. The 7 basic poses are bhastrika, kapalbhaati, bhaayye, agnisaar, anulom vilom, bhaamri, udgeet. These yoga postures are universal if learned from a certified yoga teacher or instructor.
  2. Take a homeopathic medicine called as Ferrum phos 30X, 5 pills 2 times daily for 3 months.
  3. Take lots of green leafy vegetables directly as salads or soups regularly.
  4. Drink 3 big glasses of water every hour for an entire day. Continue this practice for the next 10 days to start with and then a minimum of 12-16 glasses per day.

answered by D M K

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