Health Advice on Knee Cap Burning Sensation

The most important thing to do is provide your kneecaps with adequate rest and relaxation. If you are kneeling, you need to stop doing it at once. If you have to, use a cushion to rest your knees. Application of frequent ice packs to your knees will also provide great relief from the tingling and stiffness - it will numb your knees to the pain for a while. If you are wearing shoes that have any kind of heel, switch to flat shoes. These will reduce the pressure on your knees considerably. Try not to stand any more than you have to. Standing also applies pressure on your knees and makes them pain. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight, as the excess weight could be a reason for the ache. The best way to lose weight is by walking, especially if you already have knee pain. Start with 15 minutes a day and progress to about 45, if you can. But try to stick to a daily regimen. A paste of cinnamon powder, honey, lime and rose water can be applied to your knees and washed off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Doing this before bedtime will help soothe your pain considerably.

answered by G R

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