What home made remedy can I use to help cure a boil on the body?

boils are a very common occurrence and is likely to be experienced by every person at some point or the other over the course of their lives. Boils are essentially a bacterial infection that develops in a hair follicle and is – mostly red and painful. Most boils will appear to be dome shaped inflammations that are the result of an accumulation of dead tissues, filled with pus. Although the most common cause of a boil is the presence of a bacterial infection – some of the other causes of the occurrence include the flu and cold, poor hygiene, a weak immune system or even poor nutrition. The most common places on the human body where they develop include the back, buttocks, cheeks, face and underarms. When there appear to be a number of boils clustered together, they are known as carbuncles. The most noticeable symptoms of boils experienced just before the onset of the inflammation include a substantial amount of itching as well as the swelling of the lymph nodes around the affected area. Under normal circumstances, a boil will usually heal itself within a period of about 10 days. However, because of the fact that the condition does cause a significant amount of discomfort, a lot of people are continuously on the lookout for treatment options that will help speed up the process.

First and foremost, while attempting to speed up the process of recovery, avoid any temptation to burst or pop the boil as this is only going to increase the possibility of infection spreading over a larger area. Probably the best method of bringing the boil to the head would be to take a regular warm shower at least 2 or 3 times a day. The heat of the water will trigger the boil to open on its own and drain away. Another very effective home remedy treatment option when dealing with boils is to place a regular piece of bread in some boiling water and remove it once it has become soft. Apply the slice of bread over the boil to cause the boil to rise to its head faster. One of the most effective methods when attempting to prevent any further development of a boil is to apply some iodine on the area around the boil as often as 3 times a day. Placing a lemon cut in half is also known to help bring a boil to its head and speed up the treatment.

answered by M W

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