Egg white for hair care

Hair is exposed to a number of factors that usually have some detrimental effect on it over the course of the day. This only serves to prove that the amount of attention and care it is given needs to be significantly more than any of us actually give it. Factors such as pollution, trauma, the weather as well as the damaging effects that hair shaping appliances like blow-dryers and curling irons have on it all contribute to the amount of damage each hair follicle has to endure on a daily basis. Over the years and in various parts of the world, a lot of people have understood the aesthetic significance that hair plays in a person's overall appearance. This has all contributed to the creation of a number of home remedies, most of which are known to be very effective in boosting the health of the hair. Eggs, for one, are known to be a natural ingredient that provides a number of healthy benefits to help add luster and shine to the hair, making it naturally look beautiful. One of the main benefits that eggs have is the fact that they are rich in protein, thereby helping make the hair follicles stronger, resulting in lesser breakage. Healthier hair also almost virtually guarantees fewer split ends while also smoothening it - making it less likely to knot or become tangled.

One of the best and most effective egg hair treatments would be to crack at least 2 eggs in a bowl and mix them together thoroughly. However, if your have long hair, you may require a few more eggs. Once the eggs have been beaten together, massage it into your dry scalp and hair. Allow the mixture to sit in your hair for a period of about 15 minutes and let the hair absorb the benefits of the egg hair conditioner. You could then rinse out the conditioner using some cold water. The advantage of using cold water to do so is because cold water helps close up the hair follicle, without the risk of cooking the egg - which is something that could potentially happen if you use either warm or hot water. Repetition is the key to helping this egg hair treatment work for your hair. Egg for hair is very beneficial and performing this as frequently as about three times a week should help considerably. The frequency can drop once a decent level of healthy hair has been achieved.

answered by G M

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