Treatment for menstrual cramps and pain

I feel very much pain while my period days.My age is 15 and i am a virgin.

If you have had cramps since you began your menses, you may have a slight endocrine imbalance which may correct itself in time, or when you decide to have children (and your hormone balance shifts significantly.)  Or, you may be one of those women who typically has more cramping than others during their entire reproductive life.  There are some lifestyle and dietary factors which may help --avoiding caffeine, refined sugar, and drinking alot of pure/filtered water.  A small amount of castor oil rubbed on your lower abdomen, covered with a flannel cloth (or T-shirt) and a warm pad before bedtime may help the cramping. Epsom salt baths with a little lavendar essential oil may be considered.  An herbal tincture including piscidia and viburnum may also be helpful.  There are some homeopathic remedies which ease cramps --these would be determined by a homeopathic practitioner, based on your specific symptoms.

Dr. Karen Benton, ND


answered by Dr K B N

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