How safe is it to continue intercourse when your periods are on?

Medically it is considered normal to have sexual intercourse during the menstrual period. However, many individuals still worry about the possible health risks associated with it. The flow of blood that is produced during menstruation is a natural body fluid and is in no way harmful to the reproductive tract of the woman or the penis of the man. The same precautions that need to be taken during sexual intercourse when a woman is not having her period must also be followed when she is menstruating. These precautions ensure safe sex and protect against sexually transmitted diseases and in preventing unwanted pregnancies. Oral sex during the menstrual period is not entirely advisable as the menstrual flow is a substance that is eliminated from the body and taking it internally during oral sexual practices is not something that is recommended. However, medically it is still considered safe. However the blood may contain viruses and bacteria. As such sexually transmitted diseases could be transmitted to the partner. Precautions such as using a condom or a dental dam are recommended.

A large number of women report that engaging in sexual intercourse actually alleviates their menstrual cramps and pain. This occurs because the uterus contracts during an orgasm and as it does so, it utilizes an excess of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are the hormones that the lining of the uterus produces in order to promote contractions that are responsible for pushing the menstrual flow out from the uterus. These contractions are what cause cramps during periods. It is not very likely that a woman will get pregnant during the menstrual period, although it is possible. The menstrual flow is actually the removal of the uterine lining that develops to prepare for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not take place, the contractions of the uterus cause the uterine lining to shed along with the unfertilized ovum. As such there is no egg left in the fallopian tubes to get fertilized and therefore pregnancy is highly unlikely. Sometimes the slight bleeding that occurs during ovulation is mistaken for menstruation and having unprotected sexual intercourse during this time is likely to result in pregnancy. Also, some women experience ovulation at the end of the menstrual cycle and the sperm can stay alive in the reproductive system till about three days. So when menstruation stops and ovulation begins, it is possible that the sperm is still alive and this may allow fertilization of the egg.

answered by G M

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