Vagina Tightening Exercises

I just gave birth to a healthy baby girl thank god, but its almost 8 weeks and i feel insecure to have sex with my husband. Is there anything that I could use to help me retain back my vagina its my first baby?

Your concern about having normal sexual relations with your husband after delivering a child is an absolutely normal fear that nearly every woman has. But the fact is that there is really nothing to worry about especially after this long a period. There might be some concerns with regard to muscular and tissue damage to your vagina after the delivery but this is something that can only be confirmed by the doctor that actually facilitated your delivery. Whatever the doctor does say, there are some steps that you can take to ensure that you have a fruitful sexual experience. Ideally, the waiting period before you can start having sexual intercourse again is a period of six weeks but again this is something that you get a go ahead from the doctor for.

One of the biggest reasons for not returning to normal sexual activity after having a child is the body returning to its regular shape. Since delivery can be extremely traumatic for the uterine and vaginal muscles, there is sometimes a tendency to believe that the act can be less than gratifying. It is for this reason that activities like Kegel exercise become all the more important. This is an exercise that basically tones a pubic muscle called the pubococcygeus muscle. This is a muscle that extends from the front of the pelvis and goes all the way back. It is one of the most important muscles in creating contractions in the uterus.

The only problem with the Kegel exercise is the ability of the person to “feel” the correct muscle. Since the muscle is largely controlled involuntarily, it is quite difficult to consciously feel and manipulate this muscle. The exercise is performed by lying on the floor and then raising your knees up. Then you should try to raise your buttocks off the floor. This exercise needs to be done repeatedly during the time of recovery. The exercise is also quite useful is getting rid of some of the weight that you might have gained during pregnancy. Ideally, there is no perfect time to indulge in sexual intercourse after pregnancy from a psychological perspective. Some women may never return to completely normal sexual function after the event of childbirth, especially when it might have been a traumatic one. If you have had a caesarian, then getting back into the groove of normal sexual activity would completely depend on whether your body has completely healed.

answered by G M

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