Why do I suddenly have redness in my face slightly, and feel flush?

The condition you have described here could occur due to a vast variety of reasons. If this has been happening on a regular basis, then you need to consult a doctor for the problem as soon as possible. If it has happened once in a way, then you can address the problem depending upon why this has happened to you. Your face could be red if you have spent too much time in the sun. Check to see if this is the situation. It's common to feel flush if you come in out of the heat and suddenly find yourself in a cool or cold environment. Since your body will experience a minor shock due to the change in temperature, you will find that you may feel the flush, which is the outward manifestation of the same. Sometimes, when you have exercised and have taken a break, this condition may also occur. This is because exercise will get your blood pumping and will bring your blood vessels rushing to the surface. The redness would also be extremely common if you have doing exercises of any kind that make you hang your head down and get the lower part of your body up. For example, headstands will always make you feel flush and will also always show up in terms of redness of the face.

Sometimes, the feeling of flushness is also caused due to something commonly known as hot flashes. If you are a woman and are pre menopausal, then you may also find that you are experiencing hot flashes. However, there are a number of other symptoms that will also be manifested if you are experiencing hot flashes. You would also be sweating profusely if you are experiencing hot flashes. In particular, the area of the neck and everything above it would sweat and feel extremely flushed and hot. If you are experiencing all of these symptoms as well and fit the bill in terms of the rest of the description, then you can be sure that you are experiencing hot flashes. Be aware that this is completely normal and you would simply have to wait out the symptoms. They will always pass with time and once you are through with menopause, they will be gone forever. Do keep in mind that if you are experiencing all of these symptoms with regularity and they are only increasing in intensity, then you must seek medical help.

answered by M W

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