What are characteristics of piles?

Piles are generally characterized by extreme pain and discomfort while passing a bowel movement. This happens because the nerve endings on the anus have become ruptured due to excessive strain and pressure applied to them. This rupture also sometimes feels as if you have developed boils of some sort in the area. It may be very surprising if you get someone to visually examine you and they can see no signs of a boil. It is possible that you may keep feeling the boils, but they are simply not there. This is because the injury is actually internal and you cannot see it because it lies beneath the surface of the skin. Another typical characteristic of piles is that they may very well bleed copiously upon occasion. If you notice that your stools are smeared with blood, then please do not be overly alarmed if you are suffering from piles. This is a normal thing to happen with people who actually have piles. They are also called bleeding piles. Sometimes, the anal opening gets ruptured from the outside due to excessively hard or corrosive stools coming out. This can lead to a lot of bleeding as well.

You can start taking measures to ease the discomfort of piles right away if you are suffering from them. The best thing to do is to change your diet. Cut back on bakery and flour based goods and concentrate on adding more of fresh and uncooked food to your diet. This will add fiber, an extremely important factor in providing roughage. This will enable your stools to soften and will also help to ease your discomfort. The other thing you can do is make it a point to have a glass of hot milk to which two crushed figs have been added every night for about a week. This will help to facilitate soft stools and will also clean up your system at the same time. If you are suffering from bleeding piles, you can apply witch hazel to them. This is an excellent healing agent that will help to take care of your piles and heal them too. You can simply use a pad which is soaked in witch hazel and leave it in the general area. The constant exposure to the healing fluid will go a long way towards repairing the damage. Remember to change the pad and the fluid each time you use the bathroom.

answered by G R

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