Home remedies for loose bloody stool

I am a home remedy adviser and can't be very sure on the primary cause of the symptom you have mentioned. You can consult a doctor if this continues for the next couple of days. Usually any blood in the stool is a consequence of digestive disorder or injury in the digestive tract.

Color of your stool varies depending on the site of infection. A black stool indicates that there is some problem in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract including the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. This blood can pass along with the stool due to stomach ulcers.

Maroon-colored stools or bright red blood indicates infection or defect in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract including the rectum. Hemorrhoids and diverticulitis are the most common causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding.

Black stool along with stool is a result of consuming black licorice, iron pills, lead, bismuth and blueberries. Beets and tomatoes give red color to the stool, so don't confuse it with blood. You can check with your doctor for the right causes. He will test the presence of blood in your stool and will provide you with the best medical help.

answered by J

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