can nearsightedness be cured by use of herbs

Nearsightedness, also medically known as myopia, can be cured with an effective combination of herbs as well as lifestyle changes, provided it is not chronic. One of the best things for your general eye health is beta carotene, which is found abundantly in carrots. It is said that drinking two glasses of fresh carrot juice in the morning and two in the evening for about 6 months can cure almost any eye ailment permanently. Vitamin A improves eyesight, so all products that are rich in this vitamin should be consumed on a regular basis. These include, apart from carrots, milk and milk products, fresh green vegetables, and soy beans. Almonds are also an excellent source of nutrients needed for general eye health. Soak about 6 every night and peel and eat first thing in the morning. It is essential to cleanse your eyes at least twice daily. If you can use honey for this, it will be best. However, honey stings the eyes, so be careful while trying it out. You can put a drop on your forefinger and apply it inside the eye. Try to avoid white sugar and processed food.

Along with making dietary changes, you must also rest your eyes adequately. If you work before a computer, make conscious attempts to blink, wash your eyes often in a day and close them for a couple of minutes every other hour. Don't scrub your eyes, this may damage them further.

answered by G M

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