I am suffering from painless bleeding piles since last 6 months, medicines not cures, what to do?

Try these remedies to relieve the pain and bleeding -

  • Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag or a towel. Apply it on the sides and over the bleeding piles.
  • Boil 25g sesame seeds in ½ liter water till the volume decreases to 1/3rd. Grind sesame seeds with water and eat with butter. This is very effective for bleeding piles.
  • Make a paste by grinding white radish with milk. Apply this on the affected area. This is a good remedy for bleeding piles.
  • Soak 2 figs in one cup water at night, have this in the morning along with the water in which they are soaked. Repeat the process 30 minutes before dinner. The seeds of figs help in peristaltic movements and avoid constipation.

Following dietary modifications would also help -

  • Avoid spices and chilies in food and drink plenty of water.
  • Eat high fiber foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, pulses, and oats. They will facilitate bowel movements. Take proper care of your diet. Avoid too spicy or foods that cause constipation or difficulty in passing the bowel.
  • Avoid refined foods (as the fiber content is negligible), non-vegetarian foods, oily/fried foods, junk foods, canned foods, tea, coffee/ caffeinated beverages, sugar and sweets.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and completely avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Include buttermilk, ginger, garlic, onions, radish, beetroot, and bitter gourd in your meals.

For more information on home remedies for piles you can visit this link -


answered by S P

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