Home remedies for dry elbow

Dry skin is a very common occurrence during winter but some people find that this affects their elbows very badly. The skin on your elbows, already slightly rough to begin with, becomes very rough and dry. You can try some of these easy home remedies to help smoothen the skin on your elbows. Cut a lemon in half and use this on your elbows and knees. Rubbing it on the dry skin will help them become smooth. You can also use a mixture of gram flour and water to apply on the elbow. Adding a pinch of turmeric will help too. A table spoon of Gram flour with half a tablespoon of yoghurt is another good remedy too. Use a circular motion when washing this off.

Milk cream is another good option. You should remember to add a pinch of turmeric since this is beneficial too. Oatmeal is another good scrub that can help you get rid of dry skin. Mix a table spoon of oatmeal with some water and apply on your elbows. Leave it to dry. Wash it off after an hour. You can also make your own cream to soften the skin on your elbows. Mix one tablespoon of rose water and one tablespoon of glycerine. Mix this well and apply on the dry skin of your elbows. You can mix equal quantities of rose water and glycerine and store this in a bottle. Daily application will help the skin become soft.

answered by G R

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