what can I use for my elbow if there is a dark spot just like a ras. I wear uniform daily with long sleeves for about 14 years and my elbows is so dark that I am ashamed to use clothing without sleeves. Do you have an answer for me?

The elbows and other joints of the body tend to appear darker than most other visible parts. This is simply because we take more care of the body parts that are visible, and most often neglect the ones that are out of sight, or covered. Other than the elbow, you will most often observe that the armpits, knees and neck in most people are a bit darker than the rest of their body. Therefore, you need not be alarmed by your condition. A darkened elbow could be a result of a sun tan or due to the accumulation of dead skin in that area. However, in your case it seems to be a result of accumulation of dead skin, as your arms were always covered by your full sleeved shirt, protecting it from the sun.

The skin is made up of, as much as 16 layers. However, these layers are fewer in number in certain parts of the body, like the lips. The skin constantly sheds its outermost layer to expose a newer layer that was hidden beneath the previous one. This newer layer of skin will look lighter than the previous layer. Sometimes when the body is unable to shed a layer of skin properly, it gets accumulated in that part and causes the area to look darker than the rest of the body. In your case, the skin around your elbow has faced a similar situation. You can treat your condition effectively by following a few simple home remedies:

  • Wash your elbow regularly using hot water and an antiseptic soap. This will ensure that your elbow remains clean and free of any dirt or bacteria that settle on it, as the elbow skin has many folds. Warm water opens up skin pores and loosens the dead skin cells. An antiseptic soap will kill any harmful bacteria that may be present on the surface of the skin. Make sure you wipe your elbow dry after you wash it, as water left behind in the folds of the skin creates a conducive atmosphere for bacteria to thrive on.
  • Margosa leaves could also prove beneficial in maintaining hygiene around the elbow region. Soak some margosa leaves in the water used for bathing. Once the leaves are wet, rub them on the darkened elbow area. Margosa has many skin healing properties and is also used when a person suffers from chickenpox to get rid of the darkened scars.
  • Exfoliating your skin around the elbows would help expose the fresh layer of skin beneath the present layer. This new layer will be lighter in shade than the previous skin. For this purpose you could rub a fresh lemon that has been cut into half, on the affected skin. Once you rub the juice on, allow it to settle for about ten minutes on the skin. Using a loofa or sugar granules gently scrape the darkened skin off. Lemons are acidic in nature and loosen the bonds of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Loofa and sugar granules serve as natural exfoliating agents. This procedure should be followed by a warm water rinse.

Following these suggestions regularly would help you get rid of your condition effectively.

answered by c

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