How can I control my blood sugar?

There are several excellent natural remedies for controlling blood sugar. While these are quite effective even as stand alone remedies, they do not substitute for the diet and lifestyle changes that you will have to make. As you probably already know any food that gets processed too quickly and causes a spike in blood sugar is bad for you. Eliminate processed wheat flour, sugar, white rice, corn flour and potatoes from your diet or at least eat them in moderation. You can substitute the above with multi-grain or whole wheat flour, Splenda, Brown rice and Jacket potatoes also to be eaten in moderation. Look up what is known as a low glycemic index diet. This is ideal for diabetics. Also try and get plenty of fresh vegetables and lots of exercise. Fruit also must be eaten in moderation and whole fruit are always better than fruit juice.

Here are some supplements that are proven to help:
  1. Alpha Lipoic Acid has been shown by several studies to help in the regulation of blood sugar
  2. Garlic in capsule form improves circulation and regulates sugar
  3. Omega 3 Fats available in fish oil and flax seeds
  4. Olive oil in place of other unhealthy or saturated fats
  5. GLA available in Evening Primrose Oil and Borage Oil
  6. 500 mg of Taurine and L-Glutamine daily to increase insulin
  7. Huckleberry also improves the production of insulin

answered by S E

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