Posterior Shoulder Dislocation

by Sam Malone

Posterior shoulder dislocations are rare, and they make up for a very small percentage of dislocations of this joint. However, it is very difficult to image posterior shoulder dislocations, because of which most of these injuries are often overlooked. Almost half of the cases of posterior dislocation go undiagnosed, and the pain remains untreated.

For posterior shoulder dislocation reduction, there are many exercises that you can perform. The method of traction-countertraction is one of the most commonly used methods to reduce dislocations in the shoulder. This also reduces fatigue in your shoulders and helps strengthen the joint so that you do not experience too many dislocations. The traction and counter traction methods are best used with the help of another person, as they are quite difficult to perform on your own. It is also important to make sure that the traction and counter traction be performed in a gentler and correct manner, or you may hurt yourself even more.

Dislocation of the shoulder almost always occurs due to a traumatic event, and therefore, it is important to perform some shoulder dislocation exercises that reduce inflammation and the discomfort associated with it. There are rehabilitative programs and shoulder dislocation exercises that can help you strengthen your shoulder muscles and deal with the pain and discomfort caused due to the dislocation of the shoulders.

It is, however, important to perform all the shoulder dislocation exercises with the help of a trained therapist who can help you perform them in a correct manner. Most doctors recommend performing these exercises regularly instead of taking painkillers and other drugs.

Some of the exercises you can perform are as follows.

  • Pendulum swings: Lean over a table and bring your arms forward, as far as you can move them without feeling pain. Now swing the arms gently from one side to another. Also move your arms backwards and forwards.
  • Shrugs: The next thing to do is shrugging. As the name suggests, stand straight and shrug your shoulders slightly. Perform this several times, and stop as soon as you feel any kind of pain or discomfort.
  • Punches: This exercise is performed in the supine position. This exercise is ideal for shoulder dislocation symptoms. Lie down straight on your back and gently, with slow movements, throw punches in the air with one hand and then the other. Continue this till you feel an increase in your shoulders range of motion.


Shoulder dislocation treatment is usually performed in four different stages. The main purpose of this treatment is rehabilitation of the shoulder. However, immediately after the injury, it is important to consume some painkillers that can help you deal with the pain and discomfort in the arm. For most people, it is not possible to perform any of the shoulder dislocation exercises without painkillers. Once the range of motion is increased, the need for painkillers would be drastically reduced.

  • Passive Phase: Dislocated shoulder treatment almost always starts with this phase. You can start off by making small movements with the help of a therapist who will help you move your joints slowly. This is to increase the range of motion in your shoulders. Eventually, you will feel that you are able to move your shoulders more.
  • Active Phase: This is the second phase of treatment for shoulder pain. This phase begins when you feel that your shoulder cuff has recovered to some capacity. This phase consists of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the rotator cuff. There is external and internal rotation of the rotator cuff. These exercises are usually a little difficult to perform and have to be performed with extreme precision. The therapist will aid you in performing these simple rotating exercises.
  • Strengthening Phase: This is the phase in which the injured muscles on your shoulders are strengthened. With the help of a therapist, light resistance is applied to the injured shoulder. You may have to use light weights for performing these exercises. The more you challenge your shoulder muscles, the stronger they will get. It is also important to maintain the correct form and posture while performing these exercises so that your recover is speedier.
  • Progressive strengthening: This is the last stage of strengthening of your shoulder. Severity of injury usually determines how long you will take to recover from your condition. This final phase of healing usually lasts for a few months. For those with minor injuries, it is possible that the shoulder may get strengthened much more easily and in less time. The exercises in this phase are directed towards strengthening specific kinds of muscles such as the infraspinatus, teres minor, and supraspinatus. This improves shoulder movement and also strengthens the shoulder muscles in order to prevent further shoulder injuries. With the right medication and physical therapy, most people are able to recover completely from their injuries. Your doctor can recommend a physiotherapist for you.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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