Instant Health Boosters

by Sam Malone

Simple lifestyle changes can play an important role in boosting your immune system, improving fitness levels and enhancing your well-being. Follow these instant health boosters for a healthier and happier life;
  • Sit up straight – Sitting in a slumped position at your computer or in front of the television can exert a great deal of strain on your vertebrae. This can put you at risk for chronic lower back pain and even sciatica. So make sure to pull your shoulders back while sitting or standing. Maintaining a good posture also improves your mood instantly.
  • Wash your hands – You use your hands constantly during the day while typing at your computer, preparing food, talking on the phone and even shaking hands. This means that you are continuously exposing yourself to bacteria. Therefore it is important to protect yourself from infections by washing your hands with soap and water frequently.
  • Get your dose of vitamin D – This vital vitamin is only synthesized and processed through sun exposure, and if you have health conditions that prevent adequate sun exposure, you can also receive it in the form of supplements. Vitamin D helps to protect from various health complications such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It also promotes absorption of calcium and thus aids in bone health. You need about 1000 IU of vitamin D a day.
  • Eat yogurt – A study has shown that consuming a couple of ounces of yogurt daily helps in preventing gum disease. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria which fight infections in the mouth.
  • Drink water – Water not only quenches your thirst but also helps in weight loss. To quell hunger pangs between meals, drink a tall glass of water. Drinking lots of water also keeps you hydrated and aids in the elimination of toxins and waste from the body.
  • Take a bite of dark chocolate – Chocolate and cocoa contain flavonols, a type of flavonoid which serves as antioxidants. Flavonols helps to protect the body cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. They also help in regulating blood pressure and cholesterol. The darker the chocolate, the higher the health benefits. Avoid those varieties of dark chocolate which contain high amounts of processed cocoa and additional ingredients such as nuts and marshmallows.  
  • Drink a cup of green tea – Green tea helps to improve metabolism, reduces the levels of bad cholesterol and also prevents dental decay. Studies have shown that green tea also enhances the effects of antibiotic medications because it helps in destroying harmful bacteria.
  • Laugh – Laughing is a wonderful remedy for your body and mind. Studies have shown that those who laughed often had a better chance of living longer lives. This fun habit may also protect you from heart disease, according to some researchers. Laugh out loud by watching a funny movie or joking with your friends.
  • Brush – Studies indicate that those with chronic gum disease face a higher risk of developing a certain type of cancer in the mouth or throat. Poor dental hygiene leads to plaque buildup and gum disease occurs when bacteria accumulate in the plaque.
  • Get into a yoga pose – Practicing yoga helps to alleviate lower back pain. A study showed that people with mild to moderate back pain who engaged in a 90 minute yoga workout twice every week for six months experienced less pain and fewer depression symptoms.
  • Have fish for dinner – Those who eat fish regularly are at a reduced risk of having dementia. Oily fish contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids which protect the nerve cells in the nervous system and prevent inflammation.
  • Drink milk – Those who drink milk at breakfast are likely to consume fewer calories at lunch. A glass of milk in the morning will keep you feeling fuller and you will be less likely to overeat during your next meal.
  • Dress bright – Wearing brightly colored clothes can bring about an instant improvement in your mood. The colors pink and yellow are most likely to lift your spirits and ease away any feelings of depression. Dressing bright will also make you feel confident and cheerful. You can even try surrounding yourself with happy colors by painting your walls or keeping a vase of fresh flowers on your desk.
  • Take a vacation – Vacations not only help you relax, but may also protect you from heart disease. Studies show that people who take very few vacations are at a higher risk of heart attacks.
  • Write a note of gratitude – One study showed that those who penned down notes of gratitude were happier and more content in their lives. Other studies have emphasized the positive effects of expressive writing such as improved immunity, better lung function, balanced blood pressure and an overall sense of well-being. However this must be a sincere effort and sending a quick email or an instant text message may not be as beneficial. Put thought into your writing and truly express your gratitude to someone special.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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