October 23, 2009

Natural Cures for Treating Tinia Cruris Fungal Infection

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Tinia Cruris is a fungus that grows in the groin area. It is commonly referred to as ringworm, jockstrap itch or athletes foot. The skin of the human body is home to many different life-forms including various fungi. These organisms do no harm except when certain conditions allow these organisms to proliferate and grow unchecked. One such fungus is the tinia cruris fungus and under special conditions such as high humidity, temperature and darkness it can grow unchecked leading to ringworm infection.

This groin is one such area that is rarely exposed to air and sunlight. Wearing a tight underwear can create the right conditions for the fungus to proliferate, hence the term – jockstrap itch. It is most commonly found in adult men and adolescent boys. Athletes and those given to working out a lot are especially prone to this infection as are people who live in hot humid places. The fungal infection can be triggered by friction from clothes and dampness in the groin area and can be quite contagious. Direct skin to skin contact or contact with an infected person’s clothes can also cause ringworm infection.

Home remedies and care are usually sufficient to treat ringworm at home. However, before embarking on a home cure, you must consult your doctor to confirm a diagnosis of ringworm. Your doctor will also advise you as to the best possible course of treatment for your condition.

Measures that you can adopt at home include:

  • Keep the skin near your groin area clean and dry. If you have just finished exercising, shower off and dry the area completely.
  • Sprinkle anti-fungal powder over the affected area. This will help to absorb any remaining moisture and keep the area dry. These may contain anti-fungal agents such as clotrimazole, miconazole and tolnaftate which will help to check the growth of the fungus.
  • Topical ointments containing these anti-fungal agents may also be applied to the affected areas. If the rash is severe, your doctor may recommend the used of hydrocortisone based ointments to reduce the inflammation.
  • Wash your clothes separately as the infection is liable to spread via the laundry room. Some doctors recommend adding a few drops of disinfectant to the laundry or even sterilizing the clothes in boiling water to prevent reinfection as well as the spread of the fungus.
  • Avoid scratching the affected area. Try washing it when the itch becomes too strong. If you do scratch, wash your hands immediately afterwards with a disinfectant soap else you may end up with an infection that spreads to other parts of your body.
  • Avoid wearing clothes which chafe against the affected areas.
  • Allow the affected parts to be exposed to the sun.

Consult your doctor if your itch persists for more than two weeks. You may be prescribed stronger anti-fungal medications as well as antibiotics to treat any bacterial infection that may have set in from scratching the skin. Usually, the steps outlined are sufficient to treat the infection.

Tinea cruris has a nasty habit of recurring especially during summer. To prevent its recurrence, it is essential to maintain proper hygiene. Keeping the area of your groin clean and dry at all times is essential. Do not put on underwear if the area around your groin is still moist. Use a hair dryer or a powder to help keep the area dry, avoid using other people’s towels and change your underwear daily. These preventive steps should help to prevent a recurrence.


  1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000876.htm