October 15, 2010

Symptoms & Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Urinary incontinence refers to the loss of bladder control. It is a common problem which may sometimes prove to be embarrassing and bothersome for many. The symptoms of Urinary incontinence may range from mild to severe. Mild urinary incontinence is characterized by leaking of a small amount of urine while coughing or sneezing. In severe cases, an individual may experience an urge to urinate that is so strong and occurs so suddenly that they are unable to reach a toilet in time. It is important to consult a doctor when urinary incontinence becomes so severe that it disrupts normal functioning. Treatment for urinary incontinence usually involves medication and certain lifestyle modifications.

Urinary incontinence can be of various types. Stress incontinence occurs when there is leakage of urine due to exertion of pressure. Stress that is exerted on the bladder during sneezing, laughing, coughing or physical activity is classified as stress incontinence. Pregnant women may also experience this type of urinary incontinence. In men, such a condition may occur after removal of the prostate gland. Urge incontinence refers to an intense urge to urinate. This is then followed by involuntary leaking of urine. Those with urge incontinence tend to urinate often even during the night. It may be caused by medical conditions such as urinary tract infections and bowel problems. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and damage to the nervous system could also lead to urge incontinence. This condition is also sometimes referred to as an overactive bladder. Overflow incontinence occurs in those who are unable to empty the bladder. This may be attributed to bladder damage, an obstructed urethra or nerve damage. Mixed incontinence is said to occur when there are symptoms of other types of incontinence. In functional incontinence, one cannot reach a toilet in time due to physical or mental problems. Uncontrollable and continuous loss of urine throughout the day and night is known as gross incontinence. This may occur due to lack of storage capacity in the bladder or certain anatomical defects. Treatment for urinary incontinence is determined by the type of incontinence. Treatment methods may involve physical therapy, behavioral therapy or surgery. Individuals with urine incontinence need to take certain steps to prevent skin irritation. It is important to keep the skin dry and clean. There are some herbs which are believed to ease the problem of urine incontinence by improving the functioning of the bladder and kidneys. Drinking cranberry juice would also help in treatment for urinary incontinence. However home remedies for urinary incontinence must only be used after consulting a doctor.